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About Guest Stars In Bzpower Fanfics And The Such

Toa Pilak Evolved


Yep, this is called the 2nd post partly because right now I don't feel like thinking up any fancy-smancy titles. So as I am writing this; I am also trying to rush up on Chapter 9 of .hack//bzpower, download Bleach episode 81 (no, not the cleaning solution) and debating certain epic idea within my mind. Personally, does a guest in a BZPower based epic really add value to the epic?


True that it does allow a member to feel included but essentially the guest isn't the one who decides his own course but the author of the story (or co-author in certain situations)? Mind if anyone can give me their opinions on this guest star dilemma? As I ramble on, the rain keeps on pattering and this brings up another subject for me to ramble on about. The epic forums here on BZPower is a whole sub-culture on to itself with its own set of heroes and villains as well as a whole plethora of fanfics. These fanfics have wide-ranging subjects however though it is usually the famous ones that usually get any reviews at all and even then it can be more or less be considered spam or just mindless chit-chat. Whereas the rest of the good epics are usually just ignored simply out of pure laziness.


So another thought for you guys to discuss amongst yourselves. Criticise me or whatever but these are my thoughts on the Library forums, or to be more specific, the Epic forum.

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First about the guest star parts:


Altough it can be viewed as a simple way to secure reviews, it can certainly be much more than that. Someone being accepted as a guest star allows that person to (normaly)create a good relation with the writer. Altough it can be true that the GS serve mainly as a way to make sure that the reviews keep coming, many times the reader and the reviewer can form a good friendship, and can really become a more cooperative team, working together to help each other, specially in the epic.


Besides the simpel fact that being a guest star makes the reader feel valored and makes him think of himself not as much as a 'random paserby reviewer', but rather as 'someone who the writer kind off trusts'.


Of course I could be all wrong and just speculating without sucess...


About the state of the epic forum:


Yes, it truly is a declining sight, with all of those hordes of people simply following their adored writers, even if they only like their writing because of some othe rthing they made. But after all, that's life; if the river gets faster, the fish just has to swim faster to keep up.


We can't hope for a perfect library, we'll just have to work for one.


PS: I don't know if you've seen it, but have you passed your eyes on the 'Official How to Review' topic? I for one started a little project in there, and jut because I haven't udated it, doesn't mean it should be dead(both the topic and the project).

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