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Mahri: Initial Reactions



Author's Note: The following entry contains discussion regarding the Toa Mahri's identities. These spoilers have been wrapped in appropriate tags where neccesary.


I've seen the leaked pics, so I have a better idea of what the Mahri are going to actually look like. However, having a chance to see them from multiple angles in the new news story has given me a chance to put things in perspective.


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First off, I'm thinking that the Mahri may not be a "transformation" this time around. You'll notice that the Kanohi has what looks like glass shielding, while the armor itself includes the gratuitous use of tubing. Not to mention the core design doesn't look much different from the original Inika build. We know that the Ignika is underwater, and the Inika don't have a means of moving about freely underwater.


So what if instead of being mutated or transformed by something, what if they are just given underwater scuba style armor by the Matoran of Mahri-Nui? This would explain the tubes (breathing assistance) as well as the glass-like pieces on the Kanohi. They may not be Kanohi, but rather breathing masks they were over their Kanohi. The only reason the sets wouldn't seem like that would be for ease of design and production.

The new gattling cannon leaves me wondering how they'll be able to stick with the whole concept of tools, but I love it none the less. Bionicle's story has been maturing in the last few years, and it's nice to see the toys reflecting that. I'm going to be imagining action-packed battles between Mahri and Barraki with explosions left and right, even if those things end up being nothing more than a knock-out dart.


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I have one question still, and that is why are they called the "Mahri"? Mahri is the name of the village, as opposed to a Matoran nickname as best I can gather. To me, the Mahri suffix seems more like "Olda" or "Hagah" in that its only being used by the fan base as a means of distingushing them from their previous selves as well as other Toa teams.

All in all, I'll reserve a more complex judgement of the sets until I see more finished pics. The ones I saw of the red and yellow Toa were complete, but because it was a 2D promo pic it was difficult to actually get a look at the details. I can however say that these are certainly some fun looking (and quite unique) sets that I look forward to tracking down in the future.


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I don't know.I don't really like their canons,especially if all six are going to have one and if their going to stay consisting from so few pieces.I find that their more going into the direction of other toys,instead of the good ol' legoway.You know,the building fun and posibilities for the pieces,but these canons,they can't be used for alot of things other then canons.Why don't they just stay with swords and spears and ..claws...

I find an underwatere them to be original,but the characters and weapons...

I realise you can't use weapons like swords and such underwater,but who is to say that the seawater in the bionicle universe has to be like ours.Their going way to sci-fi and to organic.I much rather prefer the mechanical look from befor 2006.

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...I have to say I'm confused by this edit. We're still not allowed to discuss the Toa Mahri? The news is now of the public record, and the story was run without spoiler warnings. This lead me to believe it was now an open item of discussion.


Edit: I have wrapped the comments regarding their actual identities in Spoiler tags.

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