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Too Much H Y P E

hey it's felix


In case you haven't read Primus' or Lord Oblivion's blog entries about this awesome event... here's mine.


Basically, us Bionicle MOCists are going to rock Brickfair's socks off with a totally awesome collab. So if you're an MOCist and want to join in, please do! The more the merrier, the merrier the more.


So, what do you have to build? For starters you can either build a COG (Central Operating Gear) or REB (Rebel). COGs are primarily black, with red armour, and are high-tech mechanical monsters. They can be big or small, just as long as they look menacing and have gunz somewhere. They don't have to be entirely humanoid either ;)

REBs are quite shabby-looking. They're like the machine equivalent of an angry mob of peasants. So the REBs are labour-machines that are now striking back. They use functions, formerly for helping others, as weapons, which is pretty funky IMO. As far as I know, there's no real colour scheme. Just build something that looks like it'd be found helping humans with menial tasks.


Of course, you'll have to either be there or send your MOCs. I personally am sending mine, 'cos Aus is a biiit too far away.


So yeah, make sure to join the


'cos it's awesome.


Recommended Comments

I might join.


Can I do it on BZP?


I'm pretty sure you can. Just PM Disty.

I'd suggest 55555 seeing as disty's gonna be gone for a while ;) And on BZP hes called Distorted. Just saying to prevent confusion xD


Lord Oblivion

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