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The Comic Families

lavaside rahi


In the first post, I compared the Razor-Rayg war of old to the Cold War, but recently a different analogy came to me: Warring Comic Families.





(This has some basis in truth - I really did ask Dark to post in my topic when I was starting out - of course, he did it no questions asked.)



("Then we are agreed. The traffic in kits will be permitted, but controlled, and Dark709 will give up protection in the AII Forum – and there will be the peace.")



(Superkid is in Razor here to show he isn't entirely going along with the Family... :P )




Back to more seriousness, Gavla made an interesting comment on the first post:

However, one thing that seems to be bigger than a kit war is group fights. Continuity's. I'd rather not get into discussion on them, out of respect for the continuity's. But it's still an interesting factor that makes everyday life in ArtWork III.

I'd say there is some truth to this - and I don't want my first post to come off sounding like everything today is lovy-dovy with everyone holding hands singing Kumbaya...but group fights are usually far more personal and narrowly directed than the more far-reaching kit wars, and so they're often harder to spot - so given that I've only recently started paying attention to the Forum, would probably explain why I don't have a whole lot to say on the topic. I'd be curious what others have to say, though...


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