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Blog Calendar



Okay, I don't know how many others have noticed this, but it's been driving me crazy all month.


The Calendar content block in my blog isn't working! :o


Well, not correctly, anyway.


According to it, I've posted every day in January... even the days that have yet to occur. :bigeek:


I'm not 100% sure on this, but instead of marking what days I post on, I think it highlighted another day for each entry I've posted. (And I did my big blog story which was about 27 entries itself)


Now, I'll have to see if this problem occurs into February too. I also think I've seen it in some other blogs. And if what I think is true, then we could all be in grave danger.


Yes, the blog software is out to get us. Be afraid! :fear:


Basically, it's not that big of a deal, just something I've noticed.




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Yeah, it's irked me a bit too when looking in your blog. Realised some of my blog calendar days are off too, though not a whole month or whatever. Weird.



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Actually, my first reaction to it when I noticed it a few days ago was, "Wow, Jason's been posting a lot lately..."

Then I read this entry. :P

- :l: :flagcanada:
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