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I'm going to Germany...Later in the spring or summer! We had achoice of either Germany or France but seein as only four people wanted to go to france only Germany's left1 It's a lot of money about £300 I'm not sure how much it would be American or Canadian but i'll bet it's still expensive we've already paid off a third of it by selling stuff in my attic even a spare Vakama Hordika which I managed to sell for it's original price!Anyway my mum bought me a new Digital Camera I have yet to test it but i soon will. I'm deciding what to pack I know i'm bringing my Nintendo DS, Bionicle Legends #1 #2 and #3 ( the only three legends books i have) for some reading, My Camera of course as long as I don't lose it because if I did well...Lets say you may lose a BZP member. Though i feel sorry for one of my freinds who's going to be on a differant coach than us. I know we may have to sleep on the bus but I sure am not gonna I'm not risking someone stealing my stuff!




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