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My Opinion Of Bionicle.



I love it. I love the way that Lego is going with this.


See, ever since I got my Inika, I thought the neck was going to be bad. I thought it wasn't going to work at all.


Then I got it.


Then I decided I would like every Bionicle, despite how they looked.


See, I'm not going to refuse to get a Bionicle because of something that other members don't like.


"Oh, Pridak has blood. Well, I like his weapon and he has useful pieces, but the blood is just something overwhelming, so I won't get him."


For me it's like this.


"Oh, Pridak has blood. Well, I like his weapon and he has useful pieces, so I'll get him. Those parts can be useful, and I've seen them put to good use in MoCs."


See, I don't care if there is something that doesn't appeal to me. If a set has at least one thing I like in it, I'll get it.


I just won't get a set if I don't have the money. :P


Now, I know some members won't agree with what I said, but I'm not here to please everyone. :D


This is just my opinion, and opinions are just that, opinions.


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Yeah, I'm a MOCer. I may not like everything in the Mahri, but I'm in it for the pieces. (This DOES NOT mean I don't like the way they look. IMO they could look better.) But I'm in it for the pieces, and although the green one seems to be mostly grey, I may end up picking it up for the green parts.


As far as Pridak goes, I've got some pretty good ideas for that red/white combo once I get him. (simply enough, make a red/white MOC and use it!)



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I love the ideas Lego is having, but I don't like the way they're doing it. Namely, the sets. More specifically, the Mahri.


Their pieces will be excellent for MOCing though, and that's all I care about now.



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Recently I saw pics from the actual Toy Fair (not the pre-party), and my opinion of them is now much better. Those pics even included the REAL 07 minifigs, which are pretty cool as well.

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See, I don't care if there is something that doesn't appeal to me. If a set has at least one thing I like in it, I'll get it.


I happen to have a long list of likes for the Mahri (I love them by the way. :P );

Jaller: Great Mask. Crab. Orange. Orange. When was the last time orange was in a set!? Woo! Orange is back. I missed you orange and you shall be mine.

Hewkii: Um...I like his appearance. :P

Hahli: Wings are awesome. And finaly transparant masks for water toa are back!

Kongu: I happen to love his color scheme, mask, and twin blasters

Nuparu: Awesome sheild

Matoro: Woo! Light blue is back! Just like orange has reapeared, so has light blue. Yay for secondary colors! :P Also awesome mask and I like his look.

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