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Hello, remember me? Most likely not. It's been quite a while since I've added an entry.


Hate to say this, but I am pretty much done with BZPower. I'll pop in once in a while, but don't expect to hear from me a whole lot. I'm just not into Bionicle anymore. People say, "Hey, what do you think of the Mahri and Barakki," and the response in my head is what the heck is mahri and barakki, some sort of food? As I said, I'm simply not into it anymore and that's just the way it is.


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mahri and barakki are so totaly better tahn hoagies lol

*cough* Anyways, Dark709 won't like to here that. Yer like, his best friend yo!

Heh, It's been a long time since I've heard from him or he's heard from me. But yeah, he was the first person I got to know on BZP. He has no reason to like me though, I ruined his first comic thread with my nooby illegal plan to get him more posts. :P

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Argh, so disinterest got to ya huh? Same with me, I'm barely up to pace with the storyline at all. =P I'm not leaving though, still like BZP for the most part.

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Argh, so disinterest got to ya huh? Same with me, I'm barely up to pace with the storyline at all. =P I'm not leaving though, still like BZP for the most part.

Yeah I'll still check in on my friends' stuff once in a while, but I won't be on as much as I used to be.

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Argh, so disinterest got to ya huh? Same with me, I'm barely up to pace with the storyline at all. =P I'm not leaving though, still like BZP for the most part.

Yeah I'll still check in on my friends' stuff once in a while, but I won't be on as much as I used to be.


Understandable Wisey, though you'll still be able to PGS in my comics. School for me is getting demanding as well, but I have been sick and lost track of my assignments. Check back once in a while and I'll give you an update or two. :psychotwitch:


:t: :i: :x: :m: OUT

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