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The Superbowl!



Who cares?


-I- do. You can say "I don't get the point of sports" and I'm just going to find something you enjoy as a spectator or non-professional and tell you the same thing, because entertainment is entertainment, and I find it irritating that the same people who are like "let people have their opinions and like what they like" are also making such derogatory comments related to something I and many others receive a lot of enjoyment from. You don't get it? Fine, that's cool.


But -I- do, and I'm cheering for my Green Bay Packers, and not just because I need a team to cheer for, but because this is my team, whom I have followed since I was a kid, the only NFL team I've ever owned attire for, I've ever considered 'my' professional team, and the whole reason I learned football to begin with. One of my teams finally did some work this year!


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I love you - you're overreacting


Like you've said, you know I've always been adamant about letting people enjoy what they love, even if I can't stand it. So can't I express that I don't get something, and still have you trust that I'm not being derogatory? I never said anything critical about professional sports - merely that I don't get them. It's not my thing at all, but if other people like it, they should enjoy it. My best friend is a huge fan of football.


You explanation of it being entertainment makes sense to me. But whenever I've talked about this with others before, they're always vehemently denied that it's entertainment. So I'm a little confused? It makes sense to me if the mindset is similar to going to a concert or something, like it's a performance, but a lot of people seem to flip out if you treat it like that...


Anyway, the point is - chillax, brah. No harm said.

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