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Cavestory Getting Full Remake On 3ds!





It's official: Cave Story, the 2D indie darling that started life as a free PC game in 2004, is headed to the 3DS this summer. And not as a downloadable, depth-of-field-enabled version of itself, either – Cave Story 3D, announced today by publisher NIS America, will be a full-fledged remake of the original, with new content, character designs and fully 3D visuals.




Primarily, this is based off of the original game. In a way, it’s almost like a true 3D remake from scratch. So we’ve added a couple of things that Daisuke and I have gone over, as far as some secrets and some Easter eggs that are going to make some of the original fans really happy, and it’ll also add some longevity for the game for anybody who’s playing it, and sees these grand new areas that we’re adding, as well.








Additionally, Daisuke Amaya, CaveStory's original creator, is working on an entirely new game too.


Needless to say I am now definitely picking up a 3DS to get this.


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I'm amused by the fact that Nepeta is blogging about Cave Story. ::::P

Hehe :33


Caves are the best, Vriska.


And this one if filled with rabbits! :DD


Delicious rabbits...

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You're getting a 3DS for that? Wow. xP Well at least you'll have one.

Well there are some others I'm considering too, like Super Street Fighter IV 3D and Paper Mario, though beyond those I'm not entirely convinced by the launch titles. :\\


Oh wow. =O If you get it; tell me how it is. =D

I will. :DD


Also you should totally try the freeware version. It's incredible. And free. But mostly incredible. :oo

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Well, I tried the Wii Demo, but it doesn't have much to it. =P

Yeah, the WiiWare demo doesn't give you much. It also botched the music which is a completely unforgivable sin >=((


If you're interested in the freeware version PM me and I'll let you know more. :33

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Never played the original (or any of its versions) but this seems pretty interesting.

Indeed it is. :33


Lemme know if you want the freeware link too. :pp

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Never played the original (or any of its versions) but this seems pretty interesting.

Indeed it is. :33


Lemme know if you want the freeware link too. :pp

I don't know about Ddude, but I know for a fact that I would like the link.

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