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I think I've worked something out. I have a fear of dropping knives onto my feet.


I realised today, when I was loading stuff into our dishwasher. I picked up a large breadknife, and suddenly felt...well, terrified of dropping it. I kept getting a vision of me dropping it onto my foot, and slicing it open. Not particularly pleasant I know, but life's like that.


Yes, I'm scared of my mind too. :blink:




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If you think you're scared, think about me... :P I have such a big imagination, I still think that ghosts exist and zombies can still come out. :P



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hmmm, a fear of dropping knives eh? One way to quell that fear is to hold on tightly to the handle! :D


I've dropped my carving tools off my bench and had them almost land on my exposed tootsies (wearing sandals). Shine is right though, a knife rarely lands point down unless the blade is significantly heavier than the handle, or if it is dropped a certain way on purpose. You almost gotta aim LOL

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My worst fear is loosing everything . . . friends, family, BZPower, books, anything that means something to me . . . and yes, it has happened before

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If you're really afraid of dropping knives on your foot, try a Swiss knife. The handle is heavier than the biggest blade it has because of all of the other blades in it. You'll just be hurt because of the weight, unless you really aimed the blade to your foot. If you had a knife fall and the blade is heavier than the handle, jump away from it, then you'll be safe enough.


I think it's impossible for your foot to slice open, unless your foot is really soft, which can't be possible. The knife would just stay through your foot to freak you out. :lol:

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That's funny, I've had similar visions, though they usually involve tall buildings, and I'm the one dropping instead of a knife. I don't like heights. :fear:

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The best way to overcome your fear is to face it... wait, I think that would mean dropping the knife. On second thought, run and cower.


Seriously though, if you drop the knife, you're more likely to swiftly move your foot out of the way (unless you have really slow reflexes), as opposed to if someone else drops it. Your brain would send a signal to your foot faster than gravity sends the knife to the floor. At least that's my experience with anything I drop.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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S(I am gonna refer you as that sometimes),the easy way to face this is putting the knife on a dirty plate,thus bringing two things into the dishwasher!


Man,I wish I had a dishwasher...

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If you think you're scared, think about me... :P I have such a big imagination, I still think that ghosts exist and zombies can still come out. :P



Me too!Not about zombies,but i'm scared of ghosts :lookaround:


Well,you should be careful with that knife,then.Mostly when you're worried about something,it won't happen at all :P

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