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Creator Commentary #5

lavaside rahi


Oh, finally! Man, I hate these extended forum shutdowns. And there's always a little period after the forum gets back up when people are only starting to come back, so there's fewer people around.


Oh well, onward! The #110s:





I think it's worth explaining a little history of this guy...Dark Lugia was a guest star and a big fan of the comics, who actually fed me a lot of ideas I could use for my comics (I don't think I actually wound up using many of them, but it was still a very nice gesture). He was interested in becoming a permanent guest star - well, at this point I had six permanent guest stars (seven if you count LE, but given that she was a co-author I thought of her as something more than a PGS), which was a little more than I could handle. So I told Dark Lugia I would consider it if he would help me out with the comics. So he sent me ideas. And I did seriously consider making him a PGS - and told him so - but never quite got around to it. At some point Dark Lugia stopped coming to BZPower, so it was too late...


So Lugia, if you're reading, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lead you on or anything like that. I'm just lazy.


I don't really have a whole lot to say about the comic itself, just that I love the goofiness of the whole thing. The time-turner was a nice little twist.




Ah yes, this comic was what started my character's fetish with Dalu. I really don't know where I got that idea, I guess I just thought it would be funny.


Might as well say this now: If you're looking at that green/red dude with the gray mask and thinking "I don't remember seeing him on LR's character sheet", that is Bob, an old character of mine and one of the aforementioned six permanent guest stars. Bob's personality is that he likes candy and is insane...and that's pretty much it. He was an early fan of mine, and when he asked if he could be a PGS, I was still new to comic making so I couldn't think of any reason to say no (which is why I was more cautious later on when Dark Lugia asked). Now I regret putting Bob in - he was both in name and personality almost a complete copy of Dark709's Bob, so he was a pretty unoriginal addition to the comics. Basic rule of thumb: if your character's personality can be summed up in three words or less, you're just not creating real characters. Eventually, after Bob stopped coming to BZPower, I quietly dropped him off the character sheet along with Rahi Protector, another PGS who I accepted too quickly and had a much larger role in the movie than he ever did in the comics.




I'm only throwing this one in because I love that opening line. Can't get enough of that golden crisp! Man, that commercial was annoying.


I notice Comic 116 is missing from the list. I have absolutely no explanation for this. Not one. Sorry.




Probably the only good thing that came out of my case of the chicken pox was this comic. And yes, it fell on my birthday...suck.


I was also a big fan of Binky Island at the moment, which was a game here on BZPower that starred several old comic stars. I think Leppy (the guy who had his own awesome comics and made the Dark709 game) might have been involved in it, but don't quote me on that. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Everytime you killed one of the little bad guys on the way, they made this adorable little "Ow!" sound. It was sheer bliss.




Sadly, this was the last part of the Private Eye series, simply because I could not figure out where to take the story from here. I ran into a total dead end with this one. I made part of the next episode in the series, where LE shows Private Eye LR more family pictures (including the "black sheep" of the family who had become a Nazi general - I remember that just because I wondered if I would get in trouble for depicting a Nazi swastika in a comic) and decided that LE was just being paranoid. But if I did that story it would mean this whole thing with LE had just been pointless filler, so I realized that it wouldn't make any sense. I just could not figure out where to go from here. Finally I just threw in the towel on this series.



I'm not really sure what the point of this comic is. I think I started it out as a serious idea and then it just...didn't come out that way. Huh.


That first panel is dialogue from the video game The Simpsons Hit & Run (again, the royalty check has yet to be sent) and the fourth panel is actually an idea I was seriously considering for a mini-series (an X-Files spoof, maybe?).


And a little regional dialect - those hills with the flat tops that everyone else calls "buttes" are called "mesas" in the southwest. Not sure why I thought that was important enough to have in a comic; I guess I wrote "mesa" then realized a bunch of people wouldn't know what that is. And this is why my commentary must be so fascinating to read. :P


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Actually, I believe the smaller ones are buttes, and the ones that are broader are mesas. It makes sense that the big table-like ones would be called mesas after all.

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Actually, I believe the smaller ones are buttes, and the ones that are broader are mesas. It makes sense that the big table-like ones would be called mesas after all.

That would make sense, except that I've never heard the word "butte" uttered in New Mexico. :P Everything from a particularly prominent flat-topped hill to a huge plateau stretching for many miles winds up being called a "mesa" here. I'm not sure it's a strict classification, I think it depends on regional variation.

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