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Nostalgic Older Sets



I got in the mood to rebuild some sets today. But this time, I wasn't interested in Bionicle sets, but rather old Aquazone sets I had gotten as a kid.




These are among the first Lego sets I ever owned, and the yellow Crystal Explorer Sub was my first large set ever. The other green green Aqua Dozer was one of the first sets I saved up my money towards. (All previous ones had been gifts... ah, if only my parents knew that I would eventually get hooked to LEGO Bricks...) These are some of the coolest sets I owned from the 90s, but they haven't actually been in set form in my room for probably a decade.


So I took it upon myself to try and rebuild them, using instruction scans I found online. In some cases, I had to work around missing or broken parts. For the yellow sub, I have long lost the original orange antennas, and most of the original arm joints have broken on me. To make up for this, I added in some Bionicle-ized arms. :P (On, and early on I accidentally snapped the main 6x16 baseplate in half... but luckily I have since acquired an extra that I used today). I was also missing a few green elements on the dozer (they might be hiding somewhere in my collection, but after hours of searching I could not find them) Additionally, I am low on all the silvery knives and spears that are supposed to be placed around the sets


Yet in the end I was fairly surprised that I could find most of the pieces, and in good condition. (Some of the hinge pieces are starting to show wear from overuse, although by now they've survived over a decade of heavy play, so props to them!) And for the most part, the sets are fairly accurate to the originals. (Heck, the scoop on the still have the original stickers on it! Yeah, they're starting to peel off, but they've been there for at least 12 years!)


I may buy a few replacement parts to help fix up these creations, since they've been some of my favorites. I'm also inspired to build my own Aquanaut sub, using the same yellow / black / dark-trans-blue color scheme. I have some ideas for making a really big one... but that will require a lot of planning, AND then I'd have to go purchase a bunch of specialized pieces on line. I've already spent a lot this year, and a big project like that is unlikely to happen. (Unless, of course, I don't go to BrickFair... but I've been looking at plane tickets and everything, so there's a lot of potential for me going... but then if I don't go, that'll be $500 I'd be saving... which I would then probably spend on textbooks next semester... blah, I need a steady income for just Lego bricks...)


Anyway, for now, I have some slightly-revamped classic 90s sets on display in my room; what more could you ask for?




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I've lately been trying to piece together a Bat Lord minifig I found throughout my collection. How long has it been since you last realized you had those sets?

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