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For Some Reason, I Feel Odd...

It's a terribly odd feeling. I'm bored, yet I want to do something.


All this week, I've been on leave from BS01 so I can finish up an RK project. Now I believe I'm as finished as I can be (there's a bit more to be done, but I need my other fellow RK's to finish up their side of things for me to start that small thing), but I still feel this urge to finish and work.


It's like I'm 1st place in a race, but I still feel like running, and sometimes.. I still do run! I'm going anywhere, I'm not getting anything done, I'm just... going.


And at the same time, I'm bored. I want to finish up, but I believe I am finished, but I have the drive to finish up, so I just sit here, wondering what to "finish"... when in theory, I'm done for now :P


Ever get the feeling? :pirate:




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Yes. I have that feeling often.


(btw, I pronounce it "Off-Tin" :))



Mostly, I get it the other way round. I'm doing something, and I'm bored. Schoolwork often evokes that feeling. :P



Mostly, I get it the other way round. I'm doing something, and I'm bored. Schoolwork often evokes that feeling.

Yeah....that's the truth.

Well, I got that feeling once.....when I was counting the votes, I wanted to do Bioran's part as well. But I failed dismally. :P



I am too busy on the wiki to care. :P


~ Bioran

Clark Kent


You hvae no idea how many times I've had that feeling. :P



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