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It sort of hit me recently that I've been really kind of horrible about blogging and keeping up with people on here since I've been at college. Sorry for that, people.


So! Real life! And profundity? Whaa? Anyway, I spent spring break with my...first cousins once removed? That's what we settled on, anyway. They live in South Dakota, and they were incredibly nice and accommodating. They let me use their car for most of the weekend, so I was able to drive around the city (inasmuch as South Dakota has cities) and explore a bit there. I rode an ATV, went snowshoeing, and learned how to make my own jerky, all of which were novel experiences to me. I also discovered breaded cheese curds, which are possibly the best thing in the world, and I spent a lot of time rifling through books and such at the local bookstore. Learning how to play cribbage was another highlight, and my mind has since spent some time thinking on how to make a folding board out of Lego.


Best of all, though, was seeing my cousins' dedication to their community and to their family, as well as their hospitality to me. They were almost overwhelmingly nice. My chief concern during break (other than the homework which I somehow missed out on doing) was that I did not remotely deserve the kindness they were showing me. I had only ever met them when I was a little kid, which I doubt was enough to make much of an impression. Seeing their interactions with and care for other people was almost like stepping into the past, but it was quite inspirational. So I'd like to give a shoutout to my cousins and say that it is really great to be reminded of the love that exists in this world.


(Also, Kool Whip is, like, a major food group up there. Seriously.)


(Also-also, Rory or somebody is in the previous TARDIS, what is happening)


(Derp, I posted this like five times because the college internet was being stupid. Other comments have regrettably been deleted.)


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That sounds extremely pleasant.


Yes that's Rory. (But more exciting is Mark Shepherd!)



Also, if you haven't watched Torchwood, I highly recommend you watch the Season 3, 5-part miniseries titled Children of Earth* (don't worry about watching the first two seasons) so you can then watch this when it premiers.



*It was quite possibly the best thing I watched all of last summer. I'll probably watch it again this summer and make it an annual thing for me.

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something something cheese curds are awesome something something we're just nice up the midwest


I think that's how my comment on one of your other kajillion entries went. :P

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