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New Phone



Just got the EnV 3 yesterday. While I do kinda miss my ol' LG Chocolate [the screen only showed random lines of random colors, which is why I had to get a new phone], as it's awesome, I love the EnV. Qwerty keyboard! Which means that I'll now use Mobile IM, since it's a lot easier with a full keyboard. Which means you guys should hit me up on AIM. =P [just tomorrow or the next day or next day, etc. sometime, rather than tonight -- doesn't matter the time of day, as long as I'm on, obviously] bzvelox is my screenname, for those that don't know it [it is on my profile, but hey]. 'Cause yeah, I can be bored at school/after school while I'm waiting to be picked up, so why not chat on AIM?


Also went to Borders today [as well as last week] as they're closing this week -- 50% off or more on their stuff. Got some of Stephen Hunter's Bob Lee Swagger [of which the first novel was made into the movie Shooter] series, which is about a retired Marine Corps sniper, as well as some of Gunnery Sgt. Jack Coughlin, USMC (retired)'s Kyle Swanson series, also about a Marine Corps sniper. For the former, I really enjoyed the movie Shooter, and when I started reading Point of Impact [the book that Shooter was based off of (why can't they just call the movie by the same name as the book?)] I was instantly hooked, and decided to get the others in the series. For the latter, the writer himself is a retired Marine Sniper, so I figure it's gotta be realistic, and from the prologue that I read, he seems to be a good author, too.


I also now have all of the Dresden Files, with the exception of Changes and Side Jobs [which I've been accumulating over the past couple months or so]. You should be happy, Aaron. I'll get the last two when I find them for a good price.


Other than that, not much left to tell. Still debating on whether or not I should take summer school for art. I'm leaning toward yes because: 1) I hate art, so it's only 5 weeks instead of like 9 months; and 2) it looks better for college, as I'll be able to take Latin IV [or some other class] in addition to art, since I have to take art. Why not to do it: 1) There's only a couple of my friends taking it over the summer, and they're not really my "good" friends [all my close friends are taking it during school]; 2) it's summer school. Who wants to go to school over the summer?; and 3) I won't be able to do the Summer Seminar at the Annapolis Naval Academy, which I'm thinking about going to because it's free and I kinda want to join the Marines, but I definitely wanna visit the school first, and the only time is either finals week or summer school.


So yeah. I don't really have to decide until near summer, but still. Of course the Annapolis thing also depends on me getting accepted for it, which I'll find out around Mayish.


. . . And this entry turned out a lot longer than I thought it would.


- Velox


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No, I have it on my computer, too. It's just that usually when I want to use it, I don't have my computer. Now I can use it wherever. Plus I like "texting," which is what this basically is with my phone. =P



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Looking at your blog always makes me want to read more...summer can't come fast enough. >>

This'll be the third year I've taken summer school, since it might as well be required. You don't really get to take any electives until Junior/Senior year if you don't. Looks like your summer school lasts longer than ours, though.


I think there was somewhere I was going with this, but I can't remember and homework's calling. =P



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I love my EnV3. The keyboard is <3, and the camera is actually pretty great. If you can use bluetooth stuff, I would. That's how I get stuff on/off my phone, and it's cool for sending other people stuff on occasion.


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