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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Not caught up yet, but, with a little good fortune, I might have some breathing room depending on how much gets done by Friday.


The KexPod is still in transit to New Orleans.


Got a phone call during my lunch break: April D., one of a pair of identical twin sisters with whom I graduated high school, had a brain aneurism rupture over the weekend, and is in a hospital in Shreveport (*pokes Makutaman654*). She still has motor skills, but it's still dicey. She's either in surgery now, or will go under the knife 80 minutes after the posting time.


Anyone inclined to call upon a Higher Power, it would be appreciated.




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What hospital? If it's LSU (not to be confused with the college LSUS), my dad may hear about it. It's good to hear her motor skills are still intact. On the other hand, can she speak clearly, hear, etc.?

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I don't know anything beyond what my mom relayed to me from her (April's) mother-in-law, who happened to be my English teacher my senior year of high school.

All I can give you is her name and the city.


I'll update when I hear something more.



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