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Current Lionslayer Features.



-Ranged weapon system. Fully functional.

-Melee weapon system. 90% complete. the system itself has been made, I just need to set it up to kill the lions, and I also need a better sprite for the sword.

-Grenades: 100%. They attack at random, but there's only a one in ten chance of them hitting an enemy if it's the only one left.

-Respawn for enemies: I'm saying about 10%. The prototype has been made, but it needs a lot of improvement.

-Display bar, to feature weapons equipped, and HP and MP remaining. 40% complete. It still needs a lot of work.


Known glitches


Arrow turns in midflight. Happens rarely, and I have no idea how to fix it, short of tearing the event apart, and i can't do that.

Arrow slows down drastically. Unfixable.

Some lions have more then 10 HP. I have no idea why, but they do. I have yet to find the error.


Hopefully, I'll have it ready and up in a week or so.



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