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Oh,man..... just as I started to feel good about the tekkoran ,I searched on brickshelf and found that someone had robbed my avy.no,not the the tekky avy I have now,the jaller avy I wore on january.I wore it for too weeks before I wore one with a super nova.It just feels bad to be robbed.they even robbed the title. "bzpavatar2". :( just can't believe that......


they're brickshelf


and my awsome brickshelf :P


my current one isnt there because I didnt want anyone to steal it.its in my computer.


WOAH!!! I just checked the file completly,and they stole the bzp rahkshi weapons and the rackshi. they also stole the one with takua changing into takanuva, and the voriki one.


the lewa from mnog the movie... a white kaukau... and that green kakama surrounded by green circles looks familiar.....bobblehead piraka and a reidak that im sure someone else made...I think rayg did but im not sure.....


point is they stole a lot......a lot of a lot.......sigh......


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Upload avs to Photobucket, no one steals things of that nature there. :)
Very true Shine. I actually don't use Brickshelf at all, imgages are too prone to being stolen on that site. So, of course, I use Photobucket for all my images. :D




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I will,-sz-,shine.


.....no.....NO.......NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!they stole a coolified vahi! I cant believe that!


im defenately switching to fotobucket......but a coolified vahi......thats just plain bad.......

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Yeah, I know how you feel. That guy stole my avatar too.

Its not the same thing as stealing a Moc, but they could at least say they're not his or give credit.

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