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The Bioni - Lords Game...

Pahrak Model ZX


Bioni-Lords may have started as a game, but the game has been closed for so long that the story is now the sole component. But, I HAVE been thinking...


My main concern is that there might not be much of an audience. If there's one thing I learned from entering Ihu's Blessing into the RPG Contest, it's that most people don't approve of humans and Bionicles being in contact. But it could be worth a try, and could get more people to read the story...


Other concerns are some system flaws. The accuracy system began with a coin flip for every attack, but I have since found out that due to the weight of coins the chance isn't actually 50-50, so I changed it to me simply deciding if attacks hit or not. That's not a very good system...I've been thinking about rolling a 6-sided die instead--numbers 1-3 are hits, 4-6 are misses, and if techniques that raise or lower accuracy or evasion are involved I can put more numbers on one side. (An attack that has enhanced accuracy would hit on 1-4 and miss on 5-6, for example.)


There's also the issue of starting Orbs. I could use the original three starters, or I could come up with a new set, or...well, in the last version of the game, I let players choose which island they started from, and then gave them three starter choices that varied depending on the island. The issue with that is that we've since added Jungle and Psionics, so I'd have to pick new starters for them...both Elements are still fairly rare, and a lot of the Orbs that do have those Elements are a little too powerful to be starters. I could always cook up some new Spirits specifically for the position...


Another thing...Element-Lords. Back in the day we just had one set of Element-Lords, but the roster has been changed in Book 2, and will be changed again for Book 3, plus we have some characters in Book 2 who we know are going to be future Element-Lords...hm. I could just leave them as nameless NPCs--Fire-Lord, Ice-Lord, what we called them in the early days of Book 1 before I thought they deserved names. The other options involve a type of informal voting: either for sets of Element-Lords, or for the Element-Lords individually. The first option would be a poll between Book 1 Element-Lords, Book 2 Element-Lords, Book 3 Element-Lords, and Future Element-Lords; the second option involves a series of polls--a Fire-Lord poll (Vakahu vs Nk vs Lhikahu vs Dranes, etc), an Ice-Lord poll (Mataka vs Zagrin, etc), and so on--but there are some Elements that only have one Element-Lord throughout the saga (Steel, Dragon, Psionics, Jungle).


I'm sure there are a few other things that need to be worked out. But the question is, do you guys think a new version of the Bioni-Lords game would go well? Would you like to see it?

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