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Don't Worry, I'm Still Bouncin'



T-Hybrid is currently preparring for a big code release. While he's scrambling to put the finishing touches in place, he's asked his guest blogger to fill in.


How's it all going? I would have liked to get a word in for the 100th entry, but T-Boss was pretty firm on putting out the Q/A thread. I had a few questions I would've liked to ask, mostly like when I'm gonna be expecting a raise. But since that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon I'd best keep pluggin along on the entries.


T's hard at work at his internship right now. He's a big shot programmer now, and has to actually deal with production releases and error checking. I sometimes catch him mutterin stuff about scope creep and how he misses the old days of only writing one program. But I gotta say he's been coming along real well. I have a feelin' that after its all said and done he's gonna be proud of what he's about to put out there.


Time's running out for him. In a few weeks he's off to scout a new apartment, and after that he's gotta look into a more "professional" wardrobe. T-shirts and jean shorts can only go so far in the work force. And that one fancy suit of his ain't gonna be too comfortable five days a week.


In the meantime I'm still hanging around the Haven. There's fewer people checking it out these days, mostly because the Bossman ain't around to liven it up a bit. Things keep up I'm gonna have to get the rest of the Blue Vice to stop by and form a band or sumthin.


Well, that's really all I've got today. There's ugly weather blowin' up here and the patio's gotta close. So its up to me to batten down the hatches and make sure the place doesn't blow away over the weekend. There's supposed to be enough snow on the way to burry even me. And I'm a oversized cyborg dinosaur!


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