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Return To Modern Civilization

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Or, a case study in meeting deadlines.

Bah, who am I kidding. It's not a case study; it's just a rant.


The elevator in the office was fixed today. Well, the repairs were completed, in any case. The hydraulic pumps had given out, which meant, well, I've never worked for Otto, so I don't know what work that entailed. All I know is that the original scheduled completion date was February 5.

Then February 19.


Then we started joking that it was sometime in June.


But, my office building now has a working elevator for the first time in 3 months. While it doesn't mean I won't take the stairs, it does mean that a supply run to Sam's Club can finally take place. Among the needed supplies, mixed nuts, and cases of Coca Cola products is a new refrigerator, because the one on this side of the office gave out about 5 weeks ago.


Still no word about the high school acquaintance in the hospital, though I doubt I'll not have heard anything by mid-day Sunday, as I will have the opportunity to go home this weekend for Kyle's wedding. (Kyle was in Michael & Brandy's wedding party; he's Michael's best buddy, as it were.)


Looks like I'm going to get that breathing room after all. Too bad the air is filled with the odor of carpet glue. *hack*




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Hence why the TV show 'The Office' hit the charts so well. :lol: Office life is strange, but funny if you take it the right way.


Back to work, so git on it! :P Happy snacking!



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