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Renaissance Fair And New Moc

Captain Marvel


So, first off, I posted a MoC. It's not exactly new, in fact I've had it sitting around for a month or two, but just now I finally decided to get the pictures up. Here is a link to the topic.



Secondly, I went to my local Renaissance Fair for the majority of today. Mostly because my family's not religious, and we had no plans. I have to say it was really fun. I was in costume, and it was a lot better that way. I think it lets you feel more involved in the fair itself. The games were fun, and the vendors sold amazing stuff. The prices on some things were outrageously high, though, the price of a small cloak being $95 instead of what my family deemed as $40. :P Anyway, I recommend you go to your local Renaissance Fair if you have one. And if there's a crossbow game, try it out because it's fun. If you've never had the chance to shoot a real crossbow before, this is yours. I did and I was actually a pretty decent shot. Anyway, just something I thought I'd share with you all.


-Captain Marvel


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I bought a wooden sword and shield, and I won this awesome metal statue of a wizard from a game.


Waitaminute... you bought Lego Star Wars III at a Renaissance Fair?

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