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Well Now



Ever get the feeling you're walking into a ghost town? Yeah, BZP kinda feels like that right now.


I was gonna make a list of all the productive things that happened in the world while BZP was down, but that list grew too large to manage.


Now I'm gonna have to fix all those content blocks over there. They're a mess. D:


Well anyways I've gotta finish up some finals, then I'll have more time to hang out here on the weekend. Hope to get back in touch with you all. =)


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Won't be like that tomorrow. =P Even now BZP's starting to get active once more... Though obviously the forums are going to take a while to get back to normal.


Say; did you ever add me to Steam(Or even get a note that I was on it in the first place. =P)? I keep forgetting to log onto my account, though I really should, since I've freed up hopefully enough space for things. Hmm.

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@Blade: Yeah, I was actually quite surprised by the turnout of members already. Still, not suite as many as there used to be. I hope most of my friends are still here. :<


Also, I found your Steam profile earlier this week. I should have sent a friend request already. If you don't get it or if I'm not in your friends list already, lemme know and I'll sort that out.


@Dorek: I'd do that, but I plan on reskinning them. So I'll worry about that later. :P

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1. Well, it only did just came back, and at night too... If Rahkshi hadn't pointed it out elsewhere, I likely wouldn't have found out until tomorrow. xD


2. Alright then; I'll go check quickly. I would've added you, but well, F2P people can't do that. =P

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