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It's Good To Be Back!

Pahrak Model ZX


Yo, long time no see, BZP! I was so lonely all summer! :crying:

...Yes, my life is that empty...

But anyway, let's get down to business!


I am ready to finish Sekai! But, since the old topic has 130 chapters, I'm just going to keep Sekai in two parts. The first 130 chapters will remain in the archive, but the rest will be posted here. My intention is to post at least one chapter a day, everyday except Sundays, until the story is complete.

Also, I'm working on a new Spirit Index! The hosting service for the current Spirit Index apparently has a page limit, but the hosting service I use for Exo's Desk does not have a page limit, and allows you to have two websites...expect it soon. Ish. I don't know, actually...


I suppose Sekai leads us right into discussing Bioni-Lords Book 3: Kako! I'm almost prepared--I want to wait until Book 2 is completely posted before I start writing Kako, plus I just have a few more things I need to gather together first. Four previews have been prepared, along with a teaser that will be put in this blog soon after Sekai ends. Stay tuned...


Also, I have a new Bioni-Lords related thing I might post soon...


Anyone curious about BIONICLE: The Forgotten Bond?


...Right. Well, it's completely written, and I have about a third of it typed. Once I finish typing it, I'll post chapters every Tuesday and Thursday.


As for Technic Coliseum...to be honest, I'm not sure if I'm going to bring it back. Not sure if there's as much demand anymore.


I believe that pretty much covers it. Welcome back, everyone!


Recommended Comments

I would play a resurgent Technic Coliseum nut I don't think I would mourn too much if Bioni-Lords became a game instead.

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