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Moc Projects For 2012



Having attended 2 Lego conventions this summer, I have come up with a few ideas for future projects. My big one this year was the AquaZone subs, which turned out okay, but I want to do something more. (Also, something that would actually FIT IN with one of the themes, rather than being stuck in Other). Since I'm planning to attend two-or-three conventions next year, I have to organize my thought early, so why not do it here.


1: Bionicle Mosaic


The project headed by CF and Nukaya has been a big hit the last two years. (Also, I pretty much designed this year's Toa one :P ) Obviously, this needs to remain a big BZP collaborative project, but I had this other thought. There are going to be more conventions next year, and it sounds like BZP will be represented at more than just BrickFair. So maybe bring the same mosaic to TWO conventions, to show it off? I dunno, this is an idea that would require even more planning than the original, but I'm at least throwing it out there. (And at the very least, it would be cool to have a BZP group mosaic at BrickCon. We had the idea this year, but lacked the means to carry it through.)


2: Warehouse 13 Scene


I've done WH13 small scenes for two conventions, and CF helped with the BrickFair display. But it was meager, and easily looked over. We need to make something BIGGER! Fans of the show know that the warehouse is enormous, so we need to build one that is also big. Maybe not as giant as the Hogwarts castles or the LotR displays, but big. And organized too. Like, instead of random shelves, we actually have a standard and make multiples of them. And this could also be a colab. project! Again, this will require some planning and design, but I'm throwing the idea out there; if you'd be interested in contributing, let me know so I can keep you in the loop!


3: Light Up MOC


At BrickCon there was this new theme called "Dark Side." Instead of being entirely Star Wars related, it was instead a covered booth for light-up MOCs. It was pretty cool, and I want to contribute next year. I even have a few ideas. BUT what I don't have are light-up Lego elements or the knowledge / equipment to wire up something custom. When I have some free time from school and work, I plan to look into this more.


4: Miniland MOCs


BrickCon had this other new theme called "PythonScape" which turned out to be really awesome. I wanted to contribute, but lo-and-behold they were using miniland scale MOCs. The idea; you know how they have those people built at miniland areas in Legoland? Yeah, that kind of complexity; about 1/20th scale, I believe. I've mainly dealt in the realm of minifig characters, and I want to challenge myself to build something in miniland scale. Specifically, maybe a couple of Monty Python scenes for next year (Secret Service Dentistry sketch comes to mind...)


5: BrickFair Laser Tag


If you weren't there, then you don't know how awesome it was. If you go to BrickFair next year, we must surely do it again. But it was hard work; maybe I'm just out of shape (okay, I am) but I got a workout there. So maybe I should just make a Lego creation of it instead. :P The basic idea; a black room with various obstacles and ramps and such, with minifigs running through it. It would be a great was to use some translucent pieces. Might also be cool as a light-up MOC... but I need to design and build it first. And this I want to do.


6: Hero Factory Toa Mata


I don't know if I've set it enough (unless you've read like all five of my summer reviews) but I adore the new ball-joint building style that came with Hero Factory 2.0 and 3.0. But all the colored armor has me thinking of something else; can the Toa Mata be recreated using these pieces? When I have some free time, I intend to try. Tahu, Gali, Kopaka, and Onua would be relatively easy to pull off. Lewa will be hard, but I think the Green Lantern set coming out next year will have the armor in Mata Green, which would work. Pohatu is even worst, since there's no brown armor anywhere. I could recreate him in orange, but then what do I do with his mask, since the Kakama was never made in orange? (I'd be using the original masks, BTW, not Phantoka / Mistika masks.) This idea isn't super complex or anything (or probably even unique), but I want to try for nostalgic purposes


This also leads into...


7: Lots of Colorful Masked Creations


It's been a long time since I've tried to build a decent Bionicle humanoid. (The recent ones I have made either rely heavily on new HF limb pieces or are designs I've already used before,) I also completed my original 36 mask collection; that means I have all 6 of the original great masks in all 6 colors. So... make an army of non-extraordinary but super-colorful creatures using all of the 36 mask! (Well, minus 6 for the original Toa, so 30 creations overall.) These could be Toa, Matoran, Rahi, ext. It would be a challenge to produce that many (and make each slightly original) but it would make for a colorful display at a Bionicle table!


8: Mini Rahi


Some of you might have seen my Le-Koro MOC, which featured system build tiny versions of various Rahi, including Nui Rama, Nui Jaga, Kahu Bird, the upper portion of a Tarakava, and a Muaka head and claw. It might be cool to make some more of these, or improve on them (Tarakava and Muaka, for example) and build little scenes around them. It's an idea, and here's an addition to it; customized Bionicle trophies with a system-built Rahi on top?


I probably will come up with some more, and there's a high potential than some (or most) of these ideas won't come into fruition. But hey, here they are, in a list for me to reference to. Thoughts?


(God, I'm blogging long again. I must really miss doing this)



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