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The Bz-Metru Story, Chapter 35



The BZ-Metru Story, Chapter 35

Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.

Arnold H. Glasow


It was once said that, in a far away empire many thousands of years ago, an emperor named Nero fiddled while his capital burned. Dimensioneer reflected on this fact as he sat at his desk in the Administrator’s Palace. An outside observer might draw the conclusion that Dimensioneer was likewise doing nothing while his country crumbled. Here he was, sitting behind a desk while mere miles away two armies were about to fight to the death for their respective freedom.


Dimensioneer chuckled at this thought. To say he was doing nothing would be to say that Bohrok were square, or that Makuta was misunderstood. He was the one who was working the hardest of anyone. He was the one who had spend months, if not years planning for this day. He was the one who had the most at stake. He was the one who had set the fire.


But it had not been easy. He had known since the day the idea first crept into his mind that it would not be easy. It had taken much longer and required much more death than originally planned—but they deserved it. Everyone who had stood in his way deserved it. Bionicle Rex, for picking Six as his successor and not Dimensioneer. Gatanui and Screenguy, for coming much too close to finding him out. He had made sure to avoid murder unless the recipient was deserving.


And the victims of the longer than anticipated, drawn out war? He felt no sympathy. In any struggle for power, there were bound to be nameless casualties. It did not matter as long as there were even a dozen citizens to rule. When they revered him, it would not matter.

He sat back in his chair, pursuing every detail of the plan that was about to be fulfilled. Step one, he thought to himself as he reached across his desk to pick up his phone. He dialed and waited for a response.


“Mahalis? The time is now. Strike, and return to the Palace.”

He hung up without waiting for a reply. Mahalis was a loyal servant, one of his finest—one that would make a good deputy once the plan was complete. Until then, Mahalis’ part of the puzzle was fulfilled.

The remainder of the plan was shockingly simple, after such a dramatic buildup. Announce that he, Dimensioneer, had killed Ninjo and that the BZR had officially made peace. The country would at peace, he would be in control, and all it would take to finish his years of striving would be the loading of one computer program.


But there was still one task to be completed: He had to kill Ninjo. Ninjo had been a good pawn, but Dimensioneer had always known this day would come. The virus that he had implanted in Ninjo was nearing its end. Dimensioneer almost pitied Ninjo—at that moment, Ninjo was probably enduring excruciating mental duress, caught somewhere between virus and reality. In that way, Dimensioneer realized, no one could chastise him for his actions. He was only putting Ninjo out of his misery.

He reached into his desk drawer and pulled and ancient device from it. On the device was a small lit-up map of the city. On the map, in the south-east corner of GD, was a blinking dot that was inching closer and closer to the Admin’s Palace. That was Ninjo.


Dimensioneer stood up and sighed. Only one small task remained before total domination. So many things could go wrong. But it was of no matter. There were safeguards in place. It was only a matter of time before Hapori Dume was unleashed.





True to word, Ninjo was in excruciating mental pain. It had been a long time in coming—for months he had slowly been feeling overcome by a strange, almost foreign personality. And yet, it was one that felt natural and welcoming, almost as if it belonged there.


It was telling him terrible things. Awful things. As he stumbled across the deserted, battle-torn southern half of GD, the voice was louder than anything he had ever endured. He felt like there we two armies fighting inside of him.


Dimensioneer is a liar! it screamed. He is leading you into a trap, he is going to destroy the entire country!


No! Dimensioneer found me, without him I wouldn’t be alive—


Dimensioneer is the reason you were lost in the first place! He is what has made you commit these murders, he is what has destroyed your mind and soul!


Ninjo slumped against the remains of a crumbled wall and clamped his hands over his ears, as though that would help. No… I didn’t murder, they deserved it! I was only following his orders, and he was right! We will rule this city together!


You don’t know what you’re doing! You were given power and responsibility to serve and protect this city, and all you have done is destroy it! You killed your own mentor, the man who gave you this responsibility, you have killed many of your old friends—leave now and never come back!


He fell to his knees. The one side felt enormous pride in his actions, and yet the other was causing him extreme, painful remorse… while both felt fear of the other.


A soft crack and the sound of debris crumbling behind him filled the otherwise silent air. Quickly he stood and turned, gun raised as the one half gained control--


But he lowered his guard when he saw that it was only Dimensioneer.


“Dimensioneer… I’m going mad… please help me…”


You aren’t going mad… you’re becoming yourself again.


As this thought fleeted across his mind he shriveled in enormous pain. So much so that he never saw Dimensioneer pull a handgun from his coat pocket and carefully take aim.


And in that small moment, as Dimensioneer stood with his gun raised, he felt pity for Ninjo. It was strange. He had always known that he would have to do this… but now that he actually saw what he had created, he felt some small shred of remorse. Perhaps he could remove the virus… maybe he should set Ninjo free.


No. This was all about himself.


A single gunshot. A pained, surprised, and pleading face. A soft crack and the sound of debris.


There Ninjo lay, in the middle of a deserted, battle-torn street—blood soaking into his shirt.




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