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Well, it be the second day of AC#13 voting.


As of late, Lady Kopaka (Lady in the Water, 33 votes) and I (Glow in the Airfield, 35) are being whooped. Badly. By Brave_Dragon (Deep Dive, 59) Akamu (Trial and Error, 37), and Akaku Nuva (City of Peril, 43).


Now, it's no surprise that B_D's stomping us to pieces, and I wasn't that shocked about Akamu's, either. Akaku, though... surprised me.


This is totally personal opinion, BTW: I do not enjoy City of Peril. Not as much as others, like LK's and Roa McToa's. Though the piece itself is decent and the background texture is nice... I feel it's missing something big. Something important. I cannot put my finger on it, but something's not there that should be... something that gives it that 'wow' factor that so many AC winners' entries have...


Am I the only one who thinks this...?


In short, it does not impress me. Not even with its high number of votes. But, hey, it's the BZP public's choice, not mine.


*had to get that off of her chest*


So, yeah, unless some HUGE miracle happens, it looks like Southern Belle Lady K and I will need to wait a few more months before another shot at an AC crown. :notsure:




*braces for major retaliations*




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No, I agree. what I find mainly dislikable is that the Toa & Barraki are both in static poses as drawn (or perhaps traced) from the actual promo pics. Also, I dislike their fading technique - it's like they were telported halfway into the building.


And I'm very sorry, but I voted for Lady 'Suzie' K. It's just...my thing.

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I agree... shading seems kinda flat too, like the yellow. Seems to be, just... yellow.


Sorry y'not doing so well...


... what's the farthest you've gotten in an AC?

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It's a good piece...But I agree...Sorry but it doesn't really make me go zomg all that much as much as Nikira's, B_D's, Roa's, etc. It is missing something...


So I am pretty disappointed to… I wish we could have more ACs.


Ha-ha, Southern Belle. :lol:


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The thing about City in Peril is that, although the layout is great and it highly reflects of its maker's talent, the coloring is too mudane and makes everything look like it's on one level. A key ingredient in stunning artwork is layering your effects, lighting, characters, da da da. You have to make some things stand out and other things hide in the background. This piece does not employ that technique, and is simply something the artist has not mastered yet.


:D My two widgets. Don't loose hope! Last time I entered an AC, I got 13 votes. I think. It was a long time ago, though, and nowadays I don't have time to enter. Still rooting for you!

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I'm very sorry, but I voted for Lady 'Suzie' K. It's just...my thing.


Hey, dude, no prob. LK's entry rocks. :D


Sorry y'not doing so well...


... what's the farthest you've gotten in an AC?


Finals. Every time.

I got third in AC#9

I tied for third in AC#10

I got second in AC#11

And an even closer second in AC#12


So... yeah, this'll be my first time not making it to the Final top 3. Scary. :fear:


So I am pretty disappointed to… I wish we could have more ACs.


Ah, but what a faraway dream that is. :rolleyes: Everyone knows we only have, like, 2 ACs a year.


Ha-ha, Southern Belle. :lol:





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Finals. Every time.

I got third in AC#9

I tied for third in AC#10

I got second in AC#11

And an even closer second in AC#12


So... yeah, this'll be my first time not making it to the Final top 3. Scary. :fear:



Whoa. :blink:


Let me think... killed in the prelims AC8, also killed in the prelims AC9, third AC10 (that was the tie with you, wasn't it?), second AC11, and tied for fourth last AC.


I only made the top 3 twice, and I've entered one more contest than you.


I demand you feel better. :P

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Finals. Every time.

I got third in AC#9

I tied for third in AC#10

I got second in AC#11

And an even closer second in AC#12


So... yeah, this'll be my first time not making it to the Final top 3. Scary. :fear:



Whoa. :blink:


Let me think... killed in the prelims AC8, also killed in the prelims AC9, third AC10 (that was the tie with you, wasn't it?), second AC11, and tied for fourth last AC.


I only made the top 3 twice, and I've entered one more contest than you.


I demand you feel better. :P


Uh... *feels better cause Lyger told her to*


Yep, I tied with you and some other dude in AC10 (you did the one off of a classical piece, with Tahu and the big ominous cliff. Nice... :D)


I guess it's just cause I'm not used to being pummled in the prelims. The past ACs, I was luckily stuck with mainly the 'done in one day on notebook paper' entries (give or take one or two), so I sorta... wiped the floor... with my entry...


Yeah. I guess I should've expected this sooner or later, huh? :rolleyes:


*does Mout impression by shooting her own ego*



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