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Still Got Halloween On The Brain...

Kalama and Ta Rahkshi


So I've still got Halloween on the brain. And that song just won't get out.


In the meantime, here I sit when I should be asleep. Because I have work today. But for some reason, my body has decided 3 hours is enough sleep.


I wonder if my body has a mind of it's own separate from my consciousness. That would explain why i tend to do things without really thinking it though. My body just does it. It might also explain the phenomena of people doing things despite being unconscious. Like in those Anime's you see where people fight on despite being knocked out, the will to continue keeps their bodies going despite not having a higher conscious to "drive" the body.


If anybody can find a case where this has happened in real life let me know. That would be awesome to look at and analyze.


I've also been thinking about Donuts lately too. I think I want some. Might explain the cravings and the fact I giggle when I think about it.


You know that also makes me wonder... when you say a word too many times it starts to become funny and you wonder how they came up with it? That also leaves an interesting question. Why do we feel the need to give Latin names to things. Take the common rodent rat for example: Rattus. I don't need to know Rattus, in fact I'd confuse a lot of people if I used that term. They understand "Rat" far more clearly.


It might have something to do with the fact that all words have some kind of root in Latin, if that is the case then why do we need to give it a Latin name when it's English name is already a translation of some Latin word. Dead Language my Miru!


Speaking of rats, I'd love to get another one for a pet. Rats are so much fun and they are just so CUTE! The way they just look at you as they sit there on their hind paws and sniff and nibble on the food you offer them. They're hilarious too. One of my pet rats chased the family dog! He was a medium sized cockier spaniel. He love to just sniff the rats and then lick them whenever he saw them. One of them had enough of this and promptly started chasing him in a circle. Wish I had a camera. Probably could have sent that to America's Funniest Home Videos and won some cash!


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