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Hspa Math



Amazingly, the Math part of the HSPAs were way easier than I thought, and immensely easier than the Science part. Yayzeez!


Thankees for the offer, LK, but I'll manage. I was just a little moody yesterday. Sorry. :P


Ah, the high-quality pics of the 2007 summer sets. It's funny -- everyone now loves the Mahri and hates Maxilos, and I despise the Mahri and love Maxilos.


But the Mahri. It's just like Umbra: everyone hates the original picture, then LEGO shifts its pose and it's the best set ever. The difference between me and all those other people, though, is that I still think the Mahri suck. Jaller's mask is cool, but that's about it. Such a shame -- I just got Nocturn last night and thought "Wow! Between him and the Barraki, LEGO's got some of the best sets yet!" Granted, I like the three other titans for this summer, but then the Mahri came along and... blah. I've already done a Mahri rant, so I'll spare you another. However, I'll see if I can get some Nocturn piccies up by at least Friday.


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I'm not hating any sets till I actually have one in my hand or something. By the looks I really don't like them.


It's funny, I can never really hate a character, but I can sure hate sets.


Well, if you change your mind I'll make one. I've been craving to play with PS on something. :D

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Currently I've grown to like some of the Mahri (Hahli and aspects of Matoro and Jaller), but I still don't like Gadunka or Maxilos and I'm still neutral on Hydraxon. It is like Umbra, really. One, people like them more now that there are multiple angles of pictures; two, not the best designed of sets in the first place. To my own surprise, I'm now fond enough Jaller's mask and crab armor, but that's because I've warmed up to their design and use, not because of new pictures...
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LK: I know what you mean. Based on his quote Greg gave us, Matoro sounds like an awesome character this year, but he's still third worst Mahri (Hewkii and Kongu are worse, IMO). But I'll let ya know, if I change my mind; thankees for offerin'!


Lyg: I believe so, yes. I didn't see much stuff on there that I learned in Algebra 2 this year. Which is extremely good on my part. :P


ToM: I love how people say "Matoro's not as much a hunchback anymore!" when I can't see any differences. :P If his eyes are even with or below the level of his shoulders, I think I can call him Notre Dame-worthy. Still, while they do look a bit better than Toyfair pics, I can't warm up to them (yet).

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Well, good luck on language tomorrow. Or, it's some kind of language thing, right? Critical reading? Writing...?

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