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Clark Kent


Well, today we had to run the mile for the physical education thing...argh!!! My whole right part of my body hurts like...well it hurts like heck since like Saturday(when me and TLH talked about) and it still hurts a little but still not completely healed so then I ran and got 8 minutes and 11 secnds on the mile and when I finished, under my ribcage starts hurting so much! And I could also barely breath and I've been coughing for like 3 hours and then got better so yah...And the mile was during 6th period so it's like freakin' HOT. Well, I had a pretty good day before the run and after so my day wasn't that entirely bad so yeah...




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Shine, how long did that take you? Seems as'f four miles would be a while.


Dance can be pretty exhausting depenidng on the type, too though. Clogging burns more calories than...I forget how much running and how fast. My sister could tell you though.


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I had to run four miles every other day in sixth grade, without water. Consider yourself lucky. :P

What kind of sick PE teacher would make you run 4 miles every other day?!?!?


Shine, how long did that take you? Seems as'f four miles would be a while.

It is, i'd probably be dead on the 6th lap... :P


That's it, I'm so takin' Dance next year instead of PE. :P


Edit: Woops...sorry about that Nuk...I accidently wanted to edit that one but instead the delete one. :(



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Well, it took me 2 more minutes to do it. I'm too fat. :P

And Shine.......4 miles? I'd be crying like a little girl on the 5th lap. >_>

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Shine, how long did that take you? Seems as'f four miles would be a while.

We had an hour.


I had to run four miles every other day in sixth grade, without water. Consider yourself lucky. :P

What kind of sick PE teacher would make you run 4 miles every other day?!?!?

She was actually the nicest gym teacher I've ever had.

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Clearly you ain't a huge basketball player CK, I feel your pain XD

I just got done with my YMCA men's league game (we lost by 3), all the nonstop moving you do in that sport outweighs the mile so much sometimes. If you add it all up, I probably did run more than 2 miles during the duration of the game, with only a 2 minute break every 20 minutes+half time. Now...its time to take some Motrin and sleep through the pain @.@


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