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New News That's News To You



Finally my Spanish class has another teacher. And of course, she's from a country outside the U.S. which means she has an accent. She's from Honduras. Blech. Nothing wrong with being from Honduras, but the accent is DEEP. She's only been in the U.S. for 7 years. She's still learning the grammer here. I've caught a few grammatical mistakes when she talks, but I don't bother her with them. I understand that she's still learning, it's fine with me. But the accent, nargh! Good news is, we are starting on the chapter before the one we started with my other Spanish teacher. Yay! Our grades start over which is kind of a bitter sweet thing. Good news is our grades start over; bad news is that I had a 110/A+ which I was fine with, but now we start at 100/A+... All well.


I'll get straight to the point on this paragraph.. I got a 21 on the ACT. Yes, yes, I've heard many things from it.. 1.)That's very good for a first try, 2.)Not too bad, 3.)I can do better than that, 4.)"What hope is there for me now?" <-that was a question from someone who hasn't taken it yet. Anyway, I've got mixed feelings on it. I've found out that Harvard accepts only people in the top 10% majority of high school classes. Since my class is eligible and I'm in the 10%, that gave me confidence. Tulane, out of all things, requires the same thing along with being within the 50% of the people who got a 28-31 on the ACT. I've got two years to bring it up. Good news, I haven't taken future maths and sciences that were on the ACT, but I will be taking them later in my high school career. Funny thing about ACT's, it seems that this time the Occupation Circle thingy was right on the dot with what I wanted to do. It said everything in the medical field suited me best. I was surprised that it got that. So, that's about it for this group of words. Moving on..


The 4-Month English paper is now on the next step is a topic outline. Bad news, Wikipedia is now not a reliable source because of the person who posed himself as having a Ph. D. and changed much information on Wikipedia. I'm afraid he may have changed up the article on John Calvin. I looked over the article with another of my sources and it matched up so I'm hoping he didn't mess with it. The topic outline shouldn't be hard to do, seems easy enough to make. I'm hoping that I can get enough information on Calvin to make a four page long paper.


Oh, uhh, I'm finally going to the DMV tomorrow. After school I'll head over and go try. Wish me some luck.




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