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A Note On Masks Of The Elder's Enhanced Soundtrack Version



A few of you intrepid computer sleuths may have found out by now, but RPGMaker pulls its media directly from a file on your computer, contained in the folder you installed when you set up the game. This means that you can find and open those files. Because of this... let's call it a 'feature,' I've given the Enhanced version of the soundtrack a full set of ID3 tags, containing the track title, album information, composer information (when I'm certain who wrote the original versions) and context information. There's no artwork yet, but who knows...


You may also notice, if you open the files in a program like iTunes, that most of the tracks have track and disc numbers attached to them, but some don't. For the tracks that are on Disc 3, this is because I haven't figured out the order of them yet, and the tracklist isn't complete. For the tracks that don't have either, that just means they aren't in the "soundtrack," and since these are, in order, a loop of water sounds, the "suspense" strings that play almost as a sound effect, and a version of the Victory theme with extra blank space at the end, it makes sense not to include them.


Also, in case you were wondering, every track included in the enhanced soundtrack is arranged to some extent, usually just enhanced sound samples, but occasionally a different genre or, in the case of the Ice Forest theme, an entirely different arrangement.* Also, the title theme, Masks of the Elders, is the same as in the standard version, since it was an mp3 track to begin with, and converting it to a MIDI would just ruin it.


*Speaking of the Ice Forest theme, Snowy Heights, the enhanced version was originally part of an attempt to orchestrate the Metroid Prime soundtrack. That project fell through, but I managed to tweak the Phendrana Drifts arrangement so it could be usable here.


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