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My school is dumb.

I went in to take a calc test today. Since it's an online class, I'm supposed to bring an exam pass with me. It being early in the morning, I forgot it. Usually this would be a non-issue, I just go to the computer lab and print out a new one, right? I go to the computer lab to find out you need a student ID to use the printer. You don't need the information on the ID, the machine will actually not function unless you swipe a card. <_<

But hey, all is not lost, I can go to the student center and have them print me a new one, right? Nope. The lady at the counter tells me I have to consult my professor, but since it's an online class, his office is over a hundred miles away. However, she says that their math department might be able to print me a new pass. So I go to my school's math department, and ask them.

And she says no. No reason, no explanation, just a flat out no.

So I had to wait an extra forty-five minutes for my sister to get the pass from my room, and drive it to me.

So yeah, school is dumb. :(

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I think having to swipe an id to use the printer is pretty standard. I've been at two different colleges and both of them operate their printers that way. At least one of those other people should have helped you out though.



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