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Kalama and Ta Rahkshi


It amazes me how much we really don't know about the mind despite all these advances in 'therapy'.


I say this because of the stigma surrounding people who've seen a therapist.


I've seen a couple myself due to my parents being worried about me when my school performance suffered. Long story short, I was treated differently and people thought I was one of those raving drooling vegetables you see in the Asylums in movies.


Nothing is farther from the truth.


There's a lot in this world that can traumatize an individual. A sudden radical change such as graduating elementary school and going to middle school for the first time was the catalyst in my case. Social rules changed suddenly and without warning over the summer. People I knew and had been friends with in the 5th grade now shunned me in favor of forming the well known social cliques. Needless to say the shock of loosing all my friends in one swoop kind of threw me for a loop. And I didn't have many friends to begin with.


You could almost equate a school to a prison if you think about it. For the most part you toss in a bunch of people trying to figure out their way in life, stick a couple of authority members in there to watch over them, and hope they learn something. Left alone it mutates into it's own little city. If you were weird you didn't fit in and unless they thought you were a psycho liable to attack someone and considered dangerous, you got picked on. This of course was if you were small and helpless.


I was considered a part of the psycho category and mostly left to my own devices. Mostly because I was still in shock at the culture change and tended to ramble out loud or do the occasional wild stunt, "just because." I was only mildly tolerated within lunch groups simply because even through they told me to leave, I held my ground. I was pretty scary when I was stubborn as people tended to back off when I wouldn't back down. Bullies are indeed cowards. I've found this to be true even in the workplace. Supervisors would sometimes tell me to something I didn't agree with and I'd let them know. They'd challenge me and when I stood my ground they cowered behind their position of authority wielding it like a weapon against me. This only served to aggravate me even more.


Now I don't have a problem with authority. I have a problem with people I personally believe are MISUSING their authority, AKA bullying.


I never could stand bullies. One tiny part of why I joined the US Army. To be a part of the <1% to stand up and defend those that wouldn't.defend themselves.


I do believe there might come a time where we get invaded. They've made plenty of movies about it and if someone can dream it up, someone can make it a reality. That said when that time comes I'm taking up arms a part of the military or no since I think half the population that's all up in arms about being Anti-military is going to go looking for the nearest American Soldier to hide behind when it does happen.


It takes a special kind of crazy to do that job and I happen to be that kind of crazy. And no it's not the kind of crazy that you give a fancy title that breaks down into an acronym and has a Latin name. It's the kind of crazy that develops at an early age when someone can't stand being bullied.


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It's certainly an interesting topic. Unfortunately, my brand of crazy is the bullying yourself kind. Not very fun.

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talking to self= thinking out loud

and the wild-ish stunts for the same reason people climb mountains because i can because i felt like it because it was there no wait strike that last one.

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