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Salutations From A Wet Niki ><



Edited at 9:36 p.m. EST




Hi, all. Boy, this Independence Day has been real fun. :rolleyes:


Around 9 this morning, my family went to walk in our Patriotic parade. This was my first time as a walker/person who gets to throw lolipops at people, and it was pretty fun. ^^


Once the parade was done, all the walkers piled onto the float as we drove back to the parking lots.


And, wonder of all wonders, it started to rain.


None of us had jackets, of course, so all 36 of us just sat there as the float made its way through traffic. Our decoration leader also has more to do, as the paint for several of the pieces for the float washed off.






If you all read below, you know I also just went to a BBQ.


Well, while I was there, it rained. Again.




So I was all soaked and cold when we came home. ;_;




We changed into dry clothes really quickly, then left for fireworks around 8:30.


And that was a no-go.


All the parking around the city was full. ALL OF IT. We wandered around for an hour trying to find any parking spots, and it proved useless.


So we just went home. No fireworks for us this year....


*sigh* My life is so much fun. ^_^


Hoorah for the 4th of July! :happydance:




Art-wise news:


I've got a prototype sketch for Hahli Inika. And I think it actually looks decent! Hooray! :lol: I should have that up tomorrow. Again, it's a protype, mainly cause I did not have enough detail to work off of. (I used the pics in the summer LEGO catalog, and the pics are so dark around the edges, so you can't see much of the mask or weapon details... Boo hoo.)




Finally, the news on my driver's permit. :happydance: :


I went in Monday to get the permit package. Since it's a holiday week, they wouldn't allow me to take the test until Wednesday (tomorrow). I do have my pretty laminated picture, though! *huggles it* My dad says the writer's test will be a sinch for me. I did the sample test in the back of my state's drivers' manual, and I got a 100. My dad says if the actual test is anything like the sample one, I'll pass it with no problems. Good thing it's multiple-choice. ^^;;


Adding me onto the car insurace is gonna cost a bit, though, so I also have to find a job (looking at working at Wendy's). Most of my pay will go for paying off the insurance bill and, possibly, driver's ed ,if I want to ever get my license before I turn 18. It's, like, $365 though, which really stinks. >< I might as well renew my temps every year until I go to college. :P






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Heh. I got nicely soaked a fortnight ago. Then again, we were riding in the back of a tractor cart during a rainstorm, which perhaps wasn't such a good idea.


Car insurance? I know nothing of US legislation, but I assume you don't have to get car insurance for driving someone else's car - so what kind of car are we talking here?

Good luck on that test today. I passed the written on the first go myself. Though the practical I had to endure three times... :blush:


Looking forward to seeing your Hahli Inika rendition.


*listens to some more Rage Against the Machine*

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Car insurance? I know nothing of US legislation, but I assume you don't have to get car insurance for driving someone else's car - so what kind of car are we talking here?


We have two drivers and two cars right now. If my parents were to add another driver to the insurance plan, it would jack up a few hundred dollars. Also, my dad is purchasing another car, so I can take his old one. In order to save money, we have to change who is insured to what vehicle: I believe I will be insured to our miniva, as it will cost the least.


So I'm actually being charged to drive my own car. Sorta. If that makes sense.


Good luck on that test today. I passed the written on the first go myself. Though the practical I had to endure three times... :blush:


Well, for my temps, I only need to pass the written. :P The U.S. only requires you to take the practical test when you are applying for your actual license. (I cannot apply until I turn 16 and until I recieve a certain number of hours in driver's ed, which, as I stated above, costs way too much for what it's worth.)


My dad's gonna make sure I pass the practical, though. My neighbor, who's 19, failed her practical the first time she took it. My dad went and trained her behind the wheel for a couple weeks, then she went back in and passed it.


My dad's awesome. :happydance:



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My dad's gonna make sure I pass the practical, though. My neighbor, who's 19, failed her practical the first time she took it. My dad went and trained her behind the wheel for a couple weeks, then she went back in and passed it.
My dad wasn't as good a teacher, obviously. :P


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You know, they don't allow candy to be thrown into the crowd in the parades in our town anymore. I don't care for it, but still, that stinks for all of the kids who go to the parade just for the candy (i.e. 75%+). My Dad's theory is that some lawyer's kid got hit in the eye by a piece of candy, and the rest is history. :rolleyes:

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