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Happy Independence Day!



What a day!


This morning starting at around 9:00 we were in a parade to pass these flyers out to everyone. They were for the state senator's campaign. He's running for Lt. Governor, so we walked the parade route to hand them out to everyone. A few others and myself took the left side of the street, and some others handed them out along the right. We walked about 3-4 blocks handing the flyers out, and then about 3-4 blocks back around the other way. I assume we walked about a mile, but I could be wrong.


After the parade we went home to freshen up. Then around 3:00 we went to a BBQ party and played volleyball, lit off fireworks, and other random things. We stayed till like, 8:30, maybe 9:00, and left for home. By then my feet were killing me, (they still are) after all that walking and stuff. But we weren't finished yet.


After we got home, we lit all our fireworks we got. They were mostly sparklers, but we also had 'Black Snakes', an exploding frog, and those white wrapped things that spark when you throw them on the ground. The sparklers were fun though. I took a bundle of six and lit them all together. The result was a big white orb of sparkly goodness.


So now I'm here... typing this, with aching feet, and pleasant memories of volleyball, deafening noises and controlled fear.


Oh, and ping-pong! ^_^






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