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Just Profiles, Pay No Heed



For Halo: Retribution, bore yourselves at your own risk:


BZP Username - Spink

Character Name - Cain Michaellis

Species - Human

Affiliation - Rebel Soldier

Rank - N/A

Faction - Insurrectionists

Specialize in - Cain specializes in ranged weaponry, though he has actually proven himself to be quite a skillful driver. His talent for driving vehicles seems quite innate, though it may also be borne from his desire to learn how to operate vehicles while on any type of leave, as he has a habit of enjoying the city life. Often, he enjoys the city-life a tad too much and has been known to attempt sneaking into bars, and clubs where there are age restrictions, often surrounding himself with allies, or friends for that matter, and just trying to remain inconspicuous in a crowd.

Primary Weapon -

Side-Arm -

Grenade - Two fragmentation grenades.

Appearance - Cein stands about six feet tall, owning a fairly thin and lithe body that allows him to stay hidden in camoflauge when need be. Due to his body-type, he often doesn't fight close-range, and when he does, he usually has a knife on hand or his sidearm nearby -- something he can grab to unfairly gain the upperhand. His skin is more tanned and a series of tattoos in stark black ink cover some areas of his body, though these tattoos don't form any noticeable pictures, just designs that seem to snake about his limbs -- almost like black lightning, or fire in nature, just thinned out and going in one smooth motion from his neck down to his pelvis. There's even a hint of blackness around his eyes, making them stand out a fair bit more, and rather augmenting his appearance. The shapes are roughly teardrop, the top of the shape lining up with the side of his nose. His eyes are a deep chestnut color, often holding a sense of mischief, and even youth pending on the expression he had decided to share with the world.


His hair is a deep black color, though in the direct sunlight it may appear as if with a slightly purple tinge -- it's really a trickery, illusion of color and light as the human eye perceives it. His hair is also quite short and more on the messy, unkempt side, but that appearance adds to his fairly casual, carefree mien that seems to stick with him no matter the atmosphere. However, his hips are a tad wider than is common amongst males, and while in armor his body does seem to be more on the feminine side than the male, same principle going if he ever had to wear more tight fitting clothing for some reason. Cain never seems to be one to care about it though, not really an individual who felt self-conscious about his appearance, and not quite someone to care too much about what others say. Of course, being called "fat" never suits him well, and he has been known to get into fights regarding those sorts of comments being flung towards him.


Otherwise, he still retains an appearance of a late sixteen year old, not a single scar gracing his face (though such a story did not exist for his torso), and often being fairly energetic and willing to make sarcastic remarks or poke fun at people who open themselves up to it.


Biography - For all Cain says, is that he had been brought up in a rural colony originally, living on a farm and being subjected to that type of living. As a younger child, he often dreamed of places like the city -- places where he could be himself and not have to worry about his parents, a place where he could go out with his own friends and not have to listen to nuts ramble on about things he cared not for. His motivations aren't quite clear for joining the Insurrectionist movement, though it seems to have something to do with wanting to experience life more, to experience the world and not have to subject himself to the rigorous guidelines of the UNSC. Like most Insurrectionists, Cain does hold a distaste for the UNSC, largely with how he perceived them and largely based on his previous experiences with members of the UNSC. However, if there's anything deeper than that, it hasn't made itself known at this point, and Cain largely keeps his personal feelings, history and information to himself, no matter who tried to pry.


Cain, unlike most other males, is one to fancy his own gender. And unlike many others, he is not quite all too shy about it -- his fairly outgoing personality lending a hand to that. Of course, he understands the risk of saying the wrong thing to the wrong person, and often had been punched square in the face over it, but for him it is most definitely not a deterrent. In fact, it's unclear as to just what will deter him from acting on emotions best left to himself -- his personality in this regard not at all too unsimilar from obnoxious males who just had issues taking "no" for an answer.





BZP Username - Spink

Character Name - Leliel Harvenheight

Species - Human

Affiliation - ODST

Rank - Staff Sergeant

Faction - UNSC Alliance

Specialize in - Hand-to-Hand combat, known for her sheer brutality.

Primary Weapon - MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System

Side-Arm - M6C/SOCOM

Grenade - Fragmentation

Appearance -


Leliel, often times, doesn't have the most kept uniform on -- unless there's a ceremony, or some sort of inspection where she's expected to look absolutely impeccable. She's in her mid-twenties, being twenty-five as far as her documents are concerned, and has a rather tall, lithe appearance that often makes people think she's not nearly as strong as she really is. However, her body type allows her to be agile, graceful and quite fast -- her muscles only enhancing her speed, in all actuality. Her torso sports a good amount of scars, a fairly large one on her lower abdomen (from when she got stabbed, as described below) and she has some scars that marks where bullets hit her in previous engagements, along with plentiful stabwounds, and some that look like she was lashed with something at one point or another. Despite these wounds, she has strangely fair, smooth pale skin that gives her quite a youthful appearance, only her crimson eyes any testament to her experience. She's also fairly tall, standing at around six feet, three inches and appearing even taller when in full armor.


Even though she's never been someone for a relationship, or really ever cared too much about it, she is very attractive, but she's also notorious for slugging people who compliment her looks or use stupid pick up lines. In many cases, it's her personality that has kept her from any kind of romantic relationship, as she simply doesn't connect with people well and often finds many people irritable at best. However, though she's someone hard to impress, she often responds positively to those who will confront her on her terms, but just what those terms are remain a mystery.


Even though it's often advised against, at least in Leliel's case, she does go on leave whenever she gets the chance, usually spending time on Earth due to her familiarity with that planet. She's often lectured before leaving on not getting into trouble, reminded that she can get privileges suspended, demoted, or in a worst case scenario, dismissed from the military if she gets into sticky enough situations. Being herself, she hates these restrictions, though bartenders generally know her and will cut her off -- involuntarily -- if she seems to be getting a bit rowdy, and will have an escort available to take her to wherever she's staying, usually using handcuffs so she doesn't try to kill someone along the way (As otherwise, she does destroy property, but due to her generous spending, they don't ban her altogether). While on leave, she sticks to wearing some rather standard clothes, never having a flair for fashion, which may range from T-shirts and jeans to, in winter months, a long jacket and a sweater underneath. She abhors dresses. Period.


Her hair is long and silvery, and despite the current regulations for hair length, her's is often ignored as she puts it up in a ponytail -- one that reaches down past her shoulder blades -- and can keep it out of her way during combat, and its simply been more of a hassle to get her to submit to a haircut than it has been worth. Even in full uniform it doesn't detract from her professional look, and in some cases, it makes her seem a bit more regal -- often seen as a morale booster to those she serves with, as it does make her seem as if she could tackle any problem and win.


Biography -


Leliel Harvenheight keeps her family history a secret, she rarely speaks of her years before the time she came to the Marine Corps, and later the ODST Corps. In fact, when the subject is brought up, she often avoids the conversation by either changing the subject, becoming confrontational, or by simply falling silent and leaving the conversation without prior notice. This isn't because she had issues with her family, but largely because she only ever knew one mother -- whom she looked nothing like, and who's personality never matched up with her own. Her time, on Earth, with her adopted Mother wasn't always flowers and sugar -- she often ran into issues, largely at school, and she never felt as if her guardian could provide adequate help.


As a school child, Leliel was often the one left out of groups, cliques, and seen as the "black sheep" of the place. This largely developed due to her divulging some mediocre knowledge, or at least dreams, of a prior life she can barely recall -- often chalking it up as fantasy, at best. The problem with divulging those thoughts to classmates became clear, when they began to treat her more as a freak, as mentally deficient and began to single her out and use her as the school's verbal lightning rod. During these days, Leliel was a much more sensitive girl, often taking the words far too close to her heart and often one who skipped classes, skipped weeks, in order to get away from those problems (she cried frequently during this time). Naturally, her adopted mother wanted to help -- to make Leliel smile again -- but that could never be done, for the two were just too different.


It wasn't until after her Mother's death, due to a perceived car accident (though Leliel has invented a multitude of possible conspiracy theories, as she had developed this idea that everyone was out to get her), where she ended up going through a very deep depression. She often hates recalling this part of her life, as it was when she was at her weakest, her most vulnerable and emotional state. She often drank to do away with the feelings -- still being underage -- and she ended up getting into some spats with the law. Never was she charged with felonies, or anything that'd bar her from the armed services, but she was generally seen as the "problem child" of the community she grew up and lived in. Having such a title was insulting to her, and she often lashed out at the community for it, which never helped her predicament.


During her latter high school years, she had reached a snapping point. A group of kids were doing the usual, insulting her for her long, silver colored hair (an oddity in the youth where she lived) and for her abnormally pale skin and exotic colored eyes. They mocked her for how she chose to dress, for her cold silence in classes, for her inability to be acknowledged academically, for just about anything about her person. So, instead of take it again, she turned around and just let her anger out on this group of four to five individuals. It took the school security, who were police officers -- ten of them -- to pull her off the students who were nearly beaten to death. They were rushed to the hospital, where Leliel had smashed ribs, arms, femurs, noses, jaws, teeth, shoulder blades, and even a spinal cord in one student's unlucky diagnosis -- paralyzing this individual for life. She was covered in their blood at the time, and had to be sedated in order to be properly calmed down. The issue was never considered a crime, as upon viewing the security footage, Leliel had been taking strikes to her person -- through the form of thrown projectiles, such as shoes and books -- and her reaction was seen as self-defense, albeit excessive self-defense.


Despite being expelled from the school for her behavior, now seen as a threat to the other students, she eventually received a GED and moved on with her life. For a time she made money through illegal fighting rings, essentially just walking in one day and decided to make a name for herself. Though, for the two years she did this (now being nineteen -- receiving her GED at seventeen), she didn't feel as if she was accomplishing anything and was only making enough money to get by on the minimal. Regardless of the little money she received, she was undefeated in her time and often killed her opponents while fighting, her brutal tactics combined with her bone crushing blows becoming the main part of her reputation. However, she left this and decided that she wanted more out of life, she wanted to be in a place where she didn't have to hide, sneak around or continue to thrive off illegal activities. So, like some normalish people, she joined the Marines.


Her first few years in the Marines were hectic. Her Boot Camp/Basic Training scores were incredible -- top of her class, above the charts, but she had issues with taking orders and acting in teams. She also had issues seeing what was important when in a team, often someone to rush ahead and complete the objective without caring about the others in her team. So, when she was passed on, she was put under additional instruction while going on basic missions with a few other people, to help build up her teamwork skills and to get her to understand the impact such teamwork had in the real world. During this time, she viewed her trainer as a father figure in all actuality, eventually striving to meet the expectations, to impress and be complimented and be acknowledged by this individual. She often took many of his quotes to heart and sincerely did what she could, though during one of their more basic missions, the group was attacked by Insurrectionist humans and sangheili, this attack killing her team leader. Leliel's largest issue became her inability to control her emotions, and she viciously lashed out at these enemies -- forgoing all she had learned.


For the first time in her life, she lost a fight. However, she was left alive for reasons unknown.


Leliel woke up in a hospital, as many would after receiving such brutal attacks, even though she hadn't suffered any major wounds -- somehow. Once more, she was stricken with a depression, feeling helpless, useless, like a failure. She felt as if she let her team down -- she being the only survivor. However, this experience strengthened her resolve to become better, stronger, greater. The next time she was assigned as part of a team, she took on the role seriously, not taking much of the position lightly, and she became an incredible asset to that team. In many cases, it was her ability to simply destroy at close range combat that helped keep her team alive, and with her keen senses and ability to pick up on faint, unique sounds and movements in the distance, she became known for having a "sixth sense" due to how well she could pinpoint hiding enemies. Even among her foes, she became a name to be feared in many cases -- only Spartans holding more of a dark connotation than herself and her team (Which had taken on the name "Legion" until they were separated and reassigned).


Eventually she joined the ODSTs, wanting to test herself, her abilities and become a greater service to the military. At this time, she was a Sergeant -- a recent promotee due to her ability to strategize based on her knowledge of enemy positions and assessing possibilities of their actions. Her efficiency in combat, and staunch willingness to keep her team alive -- even using herself as a shield -- also earned her this rank. It is known that, in one mission, she had been stabbed through her stomach with a lengthy blade, a blow that would normally take down (not kill, as it wasn't fatal) a regular human with a regular pain threshold. However, Leliel seemed determined, so determined that her willpower won over the pain she experienced and she protected a downed teammate. Despite coughing up blood during this fight and dealing with internal bleeding, she was able to snap the enemy soldier's neck when he got too close (confident that he had beaten her), before she collapsed next to her comrade, waking up once more in the hospital with some severe wounds, taken out of combat for a while. She saw that feat as part of her retribution for her foolish actions as a Marine upstart, often remembering her adopted mother, and her pseudo-father figure and her deceased teammates afterwards, hoping to one day make up for her mistakes that led them to her deaths.


Even amongst the ODSTs she received a fearsome reputation, known for her combat skills and for her ferocity in battle. However, she also became known for her willingness to put her life on the line for her comrades; someone many would trust to take a bullet for the team without hesitation. Due to this, Leliel often becomes serious on matters regarding life, death and the functionality of teamwork. Unlike some, Leliel learned to put her comrades ahead of the mission -- recalling a quote from her teammate, her first teammate after having foolishly rushed to complete an objective -- leaving them behind.


To him, she had said "Those who choose to forget the mission... or put their comrades ahead of it... those people are trash," while in retort, he had slugged her across the face before responding (these two often having had a stressed relationship at best, often picking on each other and fighting).


"If saving a comrade makes me trash, then so be it. But those who forget their comrades, those who just leave them... those people are worse than trash."


This conversation had occured slightly before Leliel's teammates were killed, this quote sticking in her mind for years. Often, she remembers this particular teammate the most, as he had been the last one of them to say anything to her -- on his deathbed, no less. In that exchange, he had given her his combat knife as recognition of her promotion to Corporal at the time. That exchange had been the last time Leliel had cried so openly, in front of the enemy, and that had been the last time she had given into such a destructive rage that she underestimated her opponents and ended up in the hospital for it. (Secretly, Leliel had actually harbored feelings for this teammate, which only fueled the fire of the childish rivalry she developed with him).


That experience had been the primary experience that shaped her into the soldier she is today, strong willed, determined, as team-oriented as she could be, quiet (yet she has a short temper) and able to think when in life or death situations, rather than simply react. However, her short temper, impatience and need for instant gratification stuck with her -- showing themselves more often when she's not on a mission. Despite her job, she does still drink frequently, and has been noted to get into bar fights when on leave, and even a few times while on base -- though she was more slapped on the wrist, due to her impeccable military record otherwise.


She received her rank as Staff Sergeant due to her consistency to finish missions successfully, quickly and with everyone alive. For some reason, the missions she's assigned often seem to be easy for her, as they've primarily been against Insurrection humans, or at least humans trafficking weapons to these violent rebel organizations. Though, in some cases, Leliel left out details of some missions -- particularly where she'd talk to the targets, where in some cases, they mentioned that she seemed familiar to them, or familiar to someone they once knew. (This often causing stress in her, as she can't just let go of something like that -- as she is doubtful of her own beginnings).


Those words still trouble her often, and she wonders if there is more to her history than her adopted mother. As if, there might've been something before then, even though she can't remember and her inability to remember has been blamed on a terrible car accident that killed her biological parents, putting Leliel in the hospital before being put under the care of her "aunt," who later became known as her adopted Mother.


Despite herself, she often succumbs to nightmares, terrors, and does have some issues with getting proper amounts of sleep. When she's tired, or hungry, or in distress, she can get cranky and very confrontational -- even stupidly so. (She has gotten into fights with sangheili before, and even Spartan-III's once or twice, as she feels threatened by them as she perceives them as genetically better, and it's nearly impossible to compete with something genetically better -- it makes her feel obsolete, useless, and she hates those feelings). This has caused her to hold a grudge against sangheili and Spartans, which is why she's more incendiary when they're around, and gets into fights with them. To a degree, she gets into these fights because she wants to prove that they're no better than she is, that they're on the same level.


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