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Spoiler Free Superman Returns And Bryan Singer



So for US Independence Day, I didn't see the live space shuttle launch. However, I did see Superman Returns, and it had a scene near the beginning with a space shuttle... does that count? :P


Anyway, that's not what I'm writing about: I'm talking about the movie. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Most of the movie felt if it was building to this great moment that never actually happened; there was too much filler, if you will. Now I understand there's supposed to be another movie or two, but that's no excuse to build up to something that never happens.


The battle between Superman and Lex Luthor just seemed so weak and over too quickly, and the ending of the movie just seemed to draw out too long. Shouldn't it have been reversed: the battle longer (not drawn out though) and the ending shorter (to the point)?


Okay, I guess Bryan Singer isn't a bad director, and many people are disappointed with the way X3 turned out because Bryan and others left to make Superman Returns. I just wonder what each of the movies would have been like if he had finished the X-men trilogy before changing ships. How much more screen time would Cyclops have had and storytelling possibility would there have been if James Marsden had stuck around? :shrugs:


So yeah, it wasn't necessarily a must-see, but it might be worth viewing again. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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Ive been hearing its on "ok" film. I'm not particularly looking forward to seeing it, I'm looking forward to spending time with friends/family.
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For free passes, it was worth it. Besides, I saw it with my dad and brother... and it was only part of the day. ^_^


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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Man. Did you see the same movie I did?


I personally found Superman Returns to be one of the most amazing films I have ever partaken of. It was far more moving than I had anticipated, and I found myself choked up more times than any guy should.


I found the movie went by far too quickly, I was surprised it was two and a half hours after I walked out. I was so engaged, so taken by the film, that time was gone.


Maybe I don't watch movies the same way you do. The action scenes were great and all, but action and battle isn't what Superman's about. It's a character study. A great romance (not that whole lovey-dovey romance stuff. A -true- romance).


It was utterly and fantastically moving. No other movie has ever touched me the way this one did.





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