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Want New Computer



I've probably complained about my computer running slow recently. I've had problems with internet browsers, picture editing software, games (although that was to be expected, since my laptop isn't built for games). I tweaked some of my start up programs a bit, and it's running fine right now, but I don't know if the problem will resurface again like it has this last week. Sure, it sounds like a software issue (probably some legit program I downloaded that the virus scanners won't catch but that's just hogging resources.) All the same, it got me thinking about getting a new computer.


Now, my laptop is a Toshiba Satellite laptop that I got nearly 4 years ago. (My second laptop really. I bought a brand new Toshiba for school, and then it got stolen. My current one was a step down from that.) As far as computers go, 4 years is quite a run, and it isn't completely dead yet. But I would like to have something a little more modern, with a little bit more power to it. That way I can use all these fancy web design programs I bought that are currently laggy on my laptop.


I'm looking at getting maybe a PC, because I can get one with lots of power for a relatively cheap price. (I'm looking at $300-$500.) That way I can have a powerful computer at home, but still use my laptop for mobile stuff.


However, although I currently have some money saved up, I'm still looking at another year of school. (I will be in college for 5 and a half years, and I'm not even getting one of those rigorous degrees!) So I have textbooks and gas and (cough*Lego*purchases*cough) that I need to save up for. And my summer job is over (finally, working and going to school full time is too tiring for me) so I have no more cash inflow. So I could blow a large portion of my savings on a new computer... or I could suck it up and deal with my current laptop and spend my money on life's other necessities; AKA education and plastic building block toys.


Curse this mature rational decision making! :headbonk:




Recommended Comments

I'm sure you can find a nice, new, light, good-battery HP or Sony in your price range.

Have you considered a netbook?

And Bunda has a good point--there are some sites out there that have great deals (sometimes one-day only kinds).



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