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Elements Of My Narrative

Jean Valjean


:kaukau:In order to better understand what type of unique characteristics the style of my epic requires to be truer to itself, here is a list of basic narrative elements:


- The story is a left-to-right sequence of cause and effect, starting with the first cause and ending with the final effect. The manner in which a cause leads to an effect has to be very clear.

- When one element of the story needs to be told, it is put into the story in the exact place where it happens chronologically. There will be no flashbacks or characters explaining it, unless for the intentional purpose of suspense and mystery (e.g. the spy reveals his identity and explains his secrets).

- One cause can have several effects. At the same time, all the causes are working to the same ultimate effect. Therefore, the epic has many stories going on at once and they are all related to each other, whether it is obvious or not.

- Multiple personal stories add to the scale of the overall epic. It plays like a grand symphony with many instruments, all of which are important. Everyone has their own story.

- All but the most extreme characters go through some personal development and change. By the end of their involvement in the epic,all the protagonists have become truer to themselves.

- By the end of the epic, all minor conflicts are resolved.

- The ending should mirror the beginning.

- There are several levels of conflict. The beginning of the story sets up the largest conflict.

- The fundamental conflict within the story is good versus evil.

- The ultimate ending of the story is a joyous celebration for the triumph of good over evil.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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