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Heroes Fan



Friday, March 9, 2007

Hello again, BZPower. I haven't posted an entry in a very long time or posted in the forums much lately. I've been busy with schoolwork. I've completed a research paper, given a major speech, started driver's ed, and been swamped with plenty of other work in between. But don't worry about me; it happens to everyone. Usually this situation pops around the end of third quarter. I've also had some difficulty with the computer lately, which has seriously not been fun AT ALL.

Out of this I have discovered something: I'm a Heroes fan. That show rocks so much. Here's everything that you need to gear up for the next episode on Monday, April 23 at 8PM central:



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Heroes is about "ordinary people with extraordinary abilities." :P Throughout the season we met a bunch of different, seemingly random characters who emerged with a variety of superhuman abilities. They each reacted to their new abilities in different ways, and in the end, we found out that all of these characters are more connected than they would have realized. Of course, they also had skirmishes with a super-powered bad guy, which was cool.

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