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Tv Show Thoughts



Man, I have nothing to blog about. :( I mean, I have these plans to work on some of my stories (Bionicle ones included) plus I have two movie projects for school that I have to work on (these are the rare fun projects tho) but I don't really have much to say about them that would be better than just posting them. However, I caught up on TV watching, so I'll blog about that instead!





Chuck: They've done some really interesting things with Morgan as the Intersect, and all the episodes have been great. But the cliffhanger from last night is killer; What's gonna happen to Casey? Also, I do like how they switched up the Buy More plots by making Jeff actually sane for once. I can't wait to see where that goes.


Burn Notice: Um, it's okay still. It's got explosives. And I guess it's kind of cool to see them going after a villian who's smarter than them, since they're usually the ones out-thinking the baddies. But so far it hasn't been exceptional, just a guilty pleasure.


Psych: Um, haven't been watching all the episodes, but the one last night with the insane people clinic... that was just epic. I haven't laughed so hard at an episode for a while. Lately it feels like the Psych episodes have been pretty hit or miss with me... but this was a good hit.


Grimm: I'm actually really enjoying this show. It's not the genre I'm usually into; gruesome magical deaths and all. But they're pulling it off nicely. It's really more of a cop show with just a hint of the paranormal, but I like the scientific way all the crazy species seem to be described. Plus, the reforming big bad wolf character is cool. Additionally, it really integrates all the Portland scenes, from the Fremont bridge to Multnomah Falls to the Tram. Really shows that they're actually filming it up here, so that's also cool.


Warehouse 13: ... Still no new episodes. :( I wanna know what they're going to do now! Although I guess the stand-alone Christmas episode is still coming up, which I'm excited for.





Um, that's pretty much all the shows I'm following, sporadically. I mean, really, I watched three of them just last night, because I've been busy with school and stuff. I'll try to come up with some cool stuff to post here in de blog. Either that, or next week I'll post more about TV shows. (What, there aren't gonna be any new episodes next week cause of the holiday? :crying: )




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DV is a Fringe fan? Snap. Awesome.


But yeah, Grimm is being a ratings troll, and that makes me sad. I'd totally watch it if it was on another night. As it stands, my TiVo is devoted to Fringe and Supernatural. I've been meaning to catch up with it online, but I've been busy. I thought the first two episodes were good, but nothing super spectacular to write home about. Can't seem to decide whether it's a comedy or a drama. But, it's still interesting enough that I'd normally watch it. If it wasn't being mean.

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I've been enjoying Grimm enough. Partly because I watch it with two friends, partly because I'm enjoying the supernatural element.


I'm an episode behind on Chuck, but it's been doing better than I expected now that the romantic tension is gone. Good job.



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