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-Spoilers-Skyward Sword Day 1



Okay, SS came yesterday.


Was to busy playing to blog. :P


Here's my thoughts so far....


Opening Sequence:


Relative to past games, the opening tutorial in SS is pretty easy to swallow. None of that goat herding baloney or anything. I'm a little on the fence about the bird: I'm not sure how much I like the whole "islands scattered in the sky to visit" thing.


It was surprisingly quick getting the Master Sword in the game, too. Oh, but...did they REALLY have to make Kaeora Gaebora a character again? Whenever I see him, I think he's going to tell me something useless and trick me into reading it five times.


Motion controls seemed a liiittle off at first (more on that later), but it became clear as I moved I was just being imprecise with my movements.


So then, with the whole opening taking maybe an hour, you go down to the surface world. This is where motion controls become important. Right off the bat, the Deku Babas are going to maul you if you don't fight them correctly. There's a large scary hole right next to you, so naturally you go down and do the things that a scary voice out of nowhere tells you.


This is where dowsing comes into play.


Faron Woods:


Zelda was taking and dissapeared down here, so naturally you point your sword around to find here. This is another area I'm a little on the fence about. For the first time in the series, you can move around in the first person. This is mildly useful, but it gets a bit tedious in the next section. More on that in a moment.


So you make your way through a section of (surprisingly large) forest, and you meet a Goron. Hooray, series standby! He's being harrassed by some Bokoblins (resident grunts in the game) who you need to slay. This is where motion controls got interesting. Although the good ole' Spin Attack is pretty much unstoppable as usual, it's surprising how difficult it is to defeat them with regular attacks. They actually predict your movements, so you have to trick them into thinking you'll slash from one direction then attack from another. What I ended up doing was holding my sword up then slashing them horizontally. I must admit I was rather at a loss when the SECOND MINOR ENEMY IN THE GAME was giving me a run for my money.


So you help him out, and he tells you he's researching the area. (Well actually, I wasn't actually paying too much attention to him. =P ) You progress a little farther, and you find a little mutant squirrel with a big tail being harrassed by MORE Bokoblins. You rescue him and he proceeds to run away. Yes, because my tiny mouth can clearly fit your entire body in it. Well, whatever. :P


Chase him down a few more times and he'll eventually realize you haven't been trying to hurt him or eat him and don't even really look intimidating whatsoever. He has the dowsing....scent? of Zelda, so you ask him about it. He's called a Kikwi, apparentally, and he mentions Zelda. He sends you to his elder.


The elder is GIGANTIC compared to the normal Kikwis. Like, I would be a lot more afraid of being eaten by him than bein eaten by Link. He tells you there was a bit of a scuffle here over Zelda and a few of his Kikwi underlings went missing. So you have to track them down.


45 minutes later, I was starting to realize how much I hate dowsing. :P


Once you round 'em all up, the elder is able to remember what happened to Zelda. (Big #####. :P) He also gives you the slingshot which...I guess maybe the Kikwi need for...I don't know why the have it. :P


So go through a bit more overworld, encountering the Goron again, and reach the first dungeon. Wait, I wasn't already in a dungeon? =P The entrance to the dungeon...is kind of hard to figure out if you go about it the wrong way. As in, not looking it up online. :P


That'll wrap it up for now...I might add my thoughts about some aspects of the game later.


Recommended Comments

1. Oh geez, the Goat Herding... That was used all of once, simply to familiarize you with Epona? They didn't handle that one very well. =P As for the Loftwing; I don't mind it... I'm surprised that it never got a name, though. 0_o


2. That ain't no Master Sword I've ever seen before. =P

... Yet, of course.


As for Gaebora; he's technically not Kaepora seemingly. I've noticed a very intriguing similarity; however. And it gives further proof to the true identity of the character I noticed a similarity to. =P


3. The motion controls definitely take getting used to, and this is coming from someone who's spent many an hour on the Wii Sports Resort's Swordplay mini-game. =P Gets easier, but I'm still having a little trouble with different things.


4. Luckily for me, that E3 revelation trailer back last year had helped me prepare, so I knew what to do. =P ... Doesn't really help too much in practice, of course, when you swing incorrectly, and it thinks you're trying a diagonal slash when you're trying a horizontal one. =P


5. I like the whole first person moving thing; it might not be useful at all with dowsing, but it's true awesomeness comes into play eventually. =D


6. Bokoblins; from Wind Waker. What they're doing there, I still don't know. =P They get easier to figure out as you go along; trust me. In fact, there's an even better technique than that that you'll figure out when you're getting owned otherwise. =P Only hint I'll give is to master the art of defensive maneuvers. But yeah; they were tougher than I expected... Guess that's why you get 6 hearts for the first time in the entire series. =P


7. Those guys were funny. =P As for Gorko, yeah, he's definitely odd, but hey, always awesome to see Gorons. =D Plus, he basically teaches you about the things like the Surface Bird Statues(Or as I like to call them, Sky Portal Statues. =P) and such. And for nothing else in return! Awesome guy. =P


8. Again, that guy was funny. And when Fi mentions about the Dowsing signal matching Zelda's, one of the options was 'Zelda?'. I never chose that, so I'm definitely going to do that in my next playthrough along with other things, just to see what hilarity ensues. =P


9. I'm surprised that he didn't just body slam the monsters... But I guess pointy sharp things would hinder that effort. =P


10. Question there is why you used Dowsing instead of doing the typical Zelda way of searching every single pebble in the entire area. =P


11. Keeping as a treasure? Shooting down fruit? Good question, that, you get the net yet? =P


12. There's a way to find things online? I tried yesterday for something regarding the dungeon I was stuck in, but found nothing; not even a proper guide... Though I guess one guide goes to there. =P There's another method you didn't think of, though. Think of OoT. ;) </hint>


Alright, I'll go add my own thoughts on the awesome game of awesomeness in my blog sometime soon myself. =) Might be sometime this weekend, otherwise, you'll have to wait until I beat the game. =P

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Nice. xD I'm gonna try that for myself on an actual test file. Another thing I want to test, is naming my character "Sword". I think you can guess why, what with Fi's nickname for you. =P

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