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League Of Authors Bi-Weekly Challenge #4





"Let us not, dear friends," says Nuile, "forget our dear friends the bi-weekly challenges! The time has come"--and passed, it might be added--"for another to begin!"


Your theme this week is:



Nuile explains: "The capacity, quality, or fact of being patient; or solitaire if you're British. Interpret and incorporate it into your story as you fancy. I'd like to see how you can put a logical face on a team of Toa playing solitaire."

If you are pococurante to this theme, perhaps you will find the details re your challenge more interesting:


Span several time frames


"Whether the interval between portions of your story consists of centuries, years, months, weeks, days, or hours, it qualifies; I'm not meticulous. Just excercise your own common sense. Skipping five minutes doesn't count."


Augment Your Lexical Ken





Re prep. In reference to; in the case of; regarding.





Pococurante (po-ko-koo-ran-tee) adj. Indifferent; apathetic.





Like is commonly used as a conjuction, in place of as, a substitution which is considered informal. Propriety requires the The dogs howled as(not like) we expected them to. Like is more acceptably used in informal style alongside verbs such as feel, look, seem, sound, and taste, as in It looks as if we are in for rough weather. Here as if would be preferable in formal writing. There can be no objection to the use of like as a conjuction when the following verb is not expressed, as in (not like in) He took to politics like a duck to water. Still, the following construction would be formally preferable: He took to politics as a duck takes to water



"See you next time!"


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'Tis a shame the League of Authors isn't receiving much attention on the new forums. Perhaps people are just busy with school.


I'll try writing my COTSSC2 entry to fit the current challenge's theme. I must say I'm ambivalent to the vocabulary words -- "pococurante" is a mouthful, and "re" feels off -- so I hope you don't mind me sticking to "apathetic" and "regarding", respectively. :P

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'Tis a worse shame that the LoA isn't receiving much attention from it's operator. A.K.A. Me.


You don't learn a word by using a synonym. XD But I'll consider the matter of whether or not to qualify synonyms.


And I'll also get on the first contest, the next challenge, and a little spreading of the word as soon as possible.


From the desk of Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith :smilemirunu:

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