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The Most Offensive Blog Entry Ever



Peyton Manning

Tony Romo

Ray Rice


And- what am I doing you ask?

I'm making a post of the best NFL offense players...


What did you think it was?





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On-topic, my top three in each position:


QB: Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, and either Romo or Brady. On a good day I'll take Romo, but Brady's more consistent. Both are excellent though. That said, I think this may change in a few years, as there are a lot of younger QBs that I can see becoming absolute terrors, but need more coaching time, especially after literally no offseason to learn the ropes, and with coaches and coordinators flying around this season.

Runningback: Rice, Peterson, Lynch.

Wide Receiver: Calvin Johnson, Greg Jennings, Anquan Boldin

Tight End: Jimmy Graham, Gronk, Jason Witten.

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Touche - the Cowboys have a habit of playing at the same time as the Ravens, so the thanksgiving game was the only one I've seen this season in its entirety, so I forgot about him. Editing...


And hey, if I have a choice between a QB who's an all-star on his good days and average/below-average on his bad days leading the #7 offense, with the #10 defense backing him up, over the #2 offense led by a guy you can argue is the best in the league today, but with the gigantic achilles heel of a defense that's ranked dead last, I'll take the well-rounded, all-top-ten team instead of the offense-heavy one that can't block a pass to save their life. :P

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