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Wet Mane Banned And The Reason Is Such?



So, this wet mane ban is pretty stupid. The people reacting the way they were should of been told to quit.

And why are those banned, but other "seductive" pictures, and crud haven't?

CONSPIRACY GUYS! THEY ALL HATE PONIES! AND THE- what? a few staffies are bronies? no... NOOOOOOO. IT'S A LIE TOO!1!!1!!1!!ONE


And guys, I have a feeling we are gonna be asked to not mention wet manes anymore, not because we are having a bad reaction, but because we're bringing up good points. Just my two cents.


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I agree with that last bit.

And the other people weren't doing anything wrong as far as I could tell. Honestly, I think I went overboard.

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And guys, I have a feeling we are gonna be asked to not mention wet manes anymore, not because we are having a bad reaction, but because we're bringing up good points

No. Just, no. Okay. Stop. You're not bringing up good points. You're ignoring the facts behind the ruling, which come down from the administrators. The matter ends here. They are not okay on BZPower, because they are not appropriate, because the fad is not an appropriate one. You don't get to argue. It is what it is, and no, your points are just another example of a kid who doesn't like being told what to do. And it's irritating and it stops. Now. Entry locked.

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