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Lady Kopaka


Currently Listening To: Up and Up - Relient K

Currently Doing: Trying to post an entry!

About to do: Chores and watch a movie.


Ai aye! You wouldn't believe how many times I have tried to post an entry. :wacko: I keep getting kicked off, server message; the whole shebang!


Once again I disappeared for a few days (Yall are just going to get use to that), this time my dad has been using his laptop a lot in work and needs my Internet wire to connect the laptop to our network; all confusing and stuff so I wont go into details, just know I have been without much Internet access for a few days. And right now I am on my dad’s computer. And even now I am rushing through this entry to finish it before he comes back to work.


So yeah; earlier I was going to say that I was having artist block, and was getting all sad and stuff. But then I got persistent and wasn't going down into my empty brain again; so I am finishing up a colored version of Hahli Inika(Looks nice so far...I hope ><) and a few other things. Though I still really need to do a bigger project than just one or so characters!

Still need to start on that Short Story...And having trouble on my next chapter for my epic. Strange, I tried like 4 different ideas and none are working; if yall have any, please tell. :)

Almost done with the next part of the tutorial, so stay tuned k?


Ok, I think I have kitchen chores to do, I want to scan some of my art (But can't update till I get my Internet back), and then before bed I want to watch an Alfred Hitchcock. :P Byez!


PS: Got the Relient K album and the Sims 2 Seasons; great stuff!


Recommended Comments

Glad to see you're still around despite having your computer fixed and everything! I look forward to seeing more art from you, and I am vigilantly awaiting the next part of your tutorial!


Lately I've been doing some Toa Nuva drawings, and I am still trying to finish some of my older drawings. The reason I often have so many WIP drawings is that I do a lot of my drawings at school, and have to come home to do detailed parts like the tools and masks. Currently in the works are Tahu Nuva and Nuju.


So long, and hope your Hahli Inika comes out well!


- :vahi:


EDIT: Gahhh... I updated to Rich Text Editor, which insists on double-spacing all of my posts. I've changed back now.

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