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That's right. The National Latin Exam was today.


Wonder if all the Latin III's around the country were the same? I really couldn't figure out the last sentence of the story, the one with the dragon and the final clause that read "so that he might sow with fruit (?) the orb of the Earth." That kind of caused me to not understand the last 3 questions of the test.


Also, who WAS Octavian's second wife? It WAS Octavian, right? The wife who convinced him to name her son as his heir (instead of, presumably, the son of his first wife).


We didn't exactly do a ton of culture...


I knew I'd heard "vectus" before and it turns out to be the 4PP of veho... so that means "quo vectus" would be "by who/which (subject, presumably 'he') was carried"? So, he was carried by the dragon?


Yeah, really did not understand it at all. The rest of the story I knew, I mean I'd read the myth before (thank you Edith Hamilton) except with Greek names.


But aside from those four I mentioned, the 3 concerning the last sentence of the story and the one on Octavius' wife, I'm fairly confident on all the other ones. :D


G'luck to all those who have taken or will be taking the test. ^_^


... you know, you get to notice that taking Latin makes you treat your tense agreements meticulously.


Oh, and I finished my Hahli Mahri CG. Right here.


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I had my NLE Monday. And my Latin 3 exam didn't have that Octavian question. Were you doing the prose exam? (BTW, Livia is the answer to that one. I'm watching "I, Claudius" in Latin, which tells a lot about Augustus's family life.


I'm not sure what I got, but I know I messed up and said the Aedile was responsible for a soldier's pay (it was really the Quaestor). I should have studied better.


I forget what I got last year, but I think I got a silver medal. (Maxima cum laude)


And awesome Hahli Mahri, by the way. I'll try to review it soon.


- :vahi:

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YES! I got the Livia one right.


I took prose but the other ones seem right. I got the soldier's pay one, too.


That only leaves 3 known uncertain. Hoooooo boy...


Speaking of Latin, Certamen is next week. Yay! ^^

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Eheh, I took the National Latin exam today... I saw this last night, read the first sentence, and ran away. (But I didn't look anything up. No cheating here. :P )


I particularly enjoyed the myth – it was originally Egyptian, and I had read that version last year. I don't remember exactly how it ended, but it was otherwise the same, just with Isis searching for Osiris instead of Ceres searching for Prosperina. The last sentence was something along the lines of this: Ceres gave him a chariot pulled by dragons so that, by which he was carried, he might sow the earth with fruit. So the ei referred to the baby and quo to the chariot. (It can't refer to the dragons; it's singular.)


I got a gold medal last year... :lookaround:


What's Certamen? I think I've heard of it before...

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Aight, that makes one known for certain that I got wrong. Ei I'm fairly certain I put down correctly. That would make him the bringer of agriculture, right?


I got a gold medal last year too... but barely...


Certamen is the Latin competition, ah, there's a NJCL right? National Junior Classical League? Because the regional Certamen is being hosted by the NJJCL, New Jersey Junior Classical League. It's a kind of Latin Jeopardy, in essence. I honestly don't know much about how it works, only 2 things: Get it first and get it right. Generally good rules to live by. :P


Yeah, I know pretty much nothing they'll be asking. Culture, history? Pfft. Completely blank there.


I'm missing an entire day! My only real disappointment is English: We're watching the movie version of a play we just finished on Teusday, all class. Ah well. I mean, what else do I have? First block is Latin, I hardly think my Latin teacher will disapprove of me missing class. :P Second is Driver's Ed, and, I mean, it's DRIVER'S ED. What could I possibly miss out on? Then there's math but I can catch up on that. It's a half day anyway.


Point being, it's going to be a fun day. =D

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