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Mysterious Minifig


Let's just say over sleeping is not a good way to start your birthday. I wanted to show up for work at 8 AM, but we I set my alarm the night before I neglected to make sure it was turned on. I rolled out of bed at about 7:45 in a huge panic. So, yeah that wasn't a great start.


As for my birthday, I didn't do anything exciting at all. Most of my birthday's have been pretty low key these last few years. I'll probably have to change that at some point. I didn't really expect anything big for a present, since I got my computer last year. I ended up getting an LL Bean turtle neck sweater. It's been years since I've worn one of those.


I'm going to say that over the last 19 years of my life I've probably changed the most over the last year. I don't really feel any different, but I know I've changed a lot, which is probably due to the transition into college more then anything.


My one year staff anniversary was also about a month ago. Was it really a year ago that I got asked to become a Forum Assistant? I can still remember being in shock the whole day I received that PM from Black Six.




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Welcome to the fantastic age of 19! :D Unfortunately, this is also a year when we grow far older than we should. For an example, I sometimes use a cane and found a gray hair on my head. Let's hope you don't get the same soon, too.


Also, you in the OA (I can't remember if we had this conversation before)? If so, any plans for attending NOAC this summer?

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Also, you in the OA (I can't remember if we had this conversation before)? If so, any plans for attending NOAC this summer?

I am in the OA, but honestly I haven't done anything with them since I attended my first conclave. It's just been that I've always had something more important going on when my lodge had an event. I haven't even considered NOAC.


At this point in my life, I don't really have the time or resources for any big events. It's more important that I work through college and get that payed for.


Edit: Oh and in regard to getting older than we should, I probably don't have your cane beat, but my hair is already starting to thin. (In my family, the males don't get grey hair, they just lose it.)



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